Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay on Jason vs Odysseus - 937 Words
Artful VS Artless Both famous heroes from antiquity, Jason and Odysseus have much in common and just as much not. It has been said that The Voyage of the Argo, written centuries past The Odyssey, is an imitation or some form of plagiarism of the primary epic poem of ancient Greece. I like the other train of thought; it is more an acknowledgement or tip of the hat, so to speak, specifically to The Odyssey. Both tales center on a hero and a fantastic voyage. Jason was less the virtuous demi-God we see in Odysseus. At first glance, he appeared an unlikely hero. Not so Odysseus, who embarked on what, should have been a short journey home following the fall of Troy, but became an epic journey with many obstacles and delays along the way.†¦show more content†¦Aeetes was used to getting visitors who had come for the fleece, and had devised a test for quickly getting rid of them. He had a standing challenge to give up the fleece to anyone who could tame two fire-breathing bulls and then use them to plow a field with dragons teeth. Jason was stumped by how to pass this quest and was saved at the last moment by Aeetes own daughter Medea, who gave him a potion of wild herbs that would protect him from the fiery breath of the bulls. With the help, Jason easily tamed the bulls, and began to sow the field, but noticed that where he had put the teeth, soldiers were springing up from the ground. Jason hid from them, most cowardly, but then came up with a plan for getting rid of them. He picked up a huge stone and threw it into the middle of the mass of soldiers, killing one. A quarrel immediately started amongst the soldiers over who had thrown the rock, and a fight broke out, killing all but a few, whom Jason was able to easily overcome. With the help of Medea, Jason was able to steal the fleece from its guardian, a dragon, by putting it to sleep, and escape from Colchis. Jasons trip home, however, took much longer than the way from home, as he was blown off course and had to ove rcome many obstacles to reach his home. Does this sound familiar? That sentence could be used to describe the first half of the Odyssey, only it was Odysseus voyaging and not Jason. These journeys are parallel, as they are seafaring tripsShow MoreRelatedThe Blood Of Olympus By Rick Riordan1125 Words  | 5 Pages The book I have read for my Outside Reading Book is The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. This is the fifth and final book in The Heroes of Olympus series. This is the book where the final battle between the demigods and gods vs. the giants and Gaea the earth mother. Gaea was out take over he world and kill the mortals, banish the gods to Tartarus and extinct the demigod race. In the book the seven of the prophecy travel to the ancient lands of the gods: Greece. They must fufill the line of theRead MoreThe Gods vs. Man Essay1966 Words  | 8 PagesThe Gods vs. Man God. That one word has a lot of weight to it, doesnt it? It had even more significance to the Greeks. It was something they feared and respected. Throughout history men have always wanted to be like the gods. It is something that is seen over and over, mans universal struggle to be like the gods. Is it mans fault that he wants to be like the gods? Or is it the gods fault? The story Oedipus Rex by Sophocles shows that mans arrogance and fallibleRead MoreNores vs. Greek Essay5576 Words  | 23 PagesNores vs. Greek Greek mythology and Roman mythology are almost identical. This is an accepted fact, as it is widely known that the Romans stole the Greek myths. However, it is very interesting to note that the mythology of the Vikings (Norse) has many similarities with the Greek myths. These myths are, by no means, identical to the Greek ones (like the Roman ones are), but there are very distinct commonalities between the two. I see two possible reasons for this besides pure coincidence.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Evaluation Plan For Project Development And Implementation
An evaluation plan is one of the most critical elements of a project because it helps to measure the project’s success. In addition, the evaluation plan provides information that allows for adjustments/improvements during project development and implementation. According to Howlett, et. al., there are four types of evaluations (Benchmark Evaluation, Formative Evaluation, Summative Evaluation and Impact or Outcome Evaluation.) My organization has opted to utilize the Benchmark Evaluation type. Howlett, et. al., describes the Benchmark Evaluation as follows, â€Å"before you begin your work, you must document the current situation so that measurements taken during and after project implementation can be compared to the starting point.†(Baseline) (p.124) There are, however; some aspects of the other Evaluation types that can be beneficial. For example, the Formative Evaluation allows for collecting continuous feedback from participants in the program, which will enable the program to be revised, if needed. The Summative Evaluation allows for collecting data on the impact of a program after a year of operation in the community. Lastly, the Impact or Outcome Evaluation type evaluates what has changed with individuals, groups, the community and/or the knowledge base as a result of the project. The Benchmark Evaluation, which we have chosen as our primary evaluation tool, will provide data that can be used to assess the largerShow MoreRelatedQuality Assurance. Quality Assurance Approach. White Box1470 Words  | 6 Pagesand have knowledge of the functionality. In addition, during the iterative development the business analysts who have written the business use case are also involved in this white box testing when the component is fully implemented. This quality control process eventually leads to assurance of quality. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Unilever Free Essays
The In practice structure was having too much reliant on primary sales and relations with trade and coverage was not extensive to deliver the desired results. A new distribution structure was needed. Ha launched a project which was named ‘FERREIRA’ (taken from the brand of car which symbolizes for outstanding performance with fastest speed, premium image). We will write a custom essay sample on Unilever or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hash’s Background Muscular Hal joined Milliner In 1983 In Its Research Department. Alumni of Boston university, Hal was fortunate to move into new assignments after every three to four years. Hash’s real success came as Marketing Manager and she was posted to the Headquarters in detergents coordination for East Asia Pacific and Africa/Middle East region. Her exposure of more than 30 countries improved her strategic thinking. Hash’s strength was her unwavering focus, determined attitude and high level of energy. On these strengths Ha was made chairman PULP In 2001 to add vitality to the untapped potential of Pakistan. Disposable Income In Pakistan economy was Increasing as political conditions Improved and economy showed vibrancy. Scenario at Milliner Pakistan PULP was going through post merger synergy after the acquisition of Polka and Orphan Best Foods (REF). Ha and her team with their vision started off by analyzing the industry and emerging markets. They found out that new Innovation levels were needed. Previously companies were able to achieve global leadership by acquisitions and concentration on core brands and categories. Also further cost cutting was not possible from global purchasing and growth cannot be fueled solely from centralized supply chain or information technology. This case was written by Zinnia Khan under the supervision of Mr.. Keelhaul Named, Faculty CB as the basis for class discussion rather to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative issue. For confidentially reasons dates, figures some facts have been hypothesized but without distorting the learning on processes. The consumer industry in the emerging markets needed the local touch. The success formula required innovation in value creation and service levels. PULP with the help of Malaysia, Bangladesh and Brazil. They concluded that companies which lacked service levels could not achieve the success they had aimed at. Also only innovations in the service levels to the retailers and customers increased returns for the companies. Hence, the distribution model had to be redesigned and its structure was studied in four domains namely: 1 Geographic Distribution 2 Distributor Operations 3 Sales Hierarchy, and 4 Sales Monitoring System and Reporting. Company Background PULP formerly Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited was established in Pakistan in 1958. The town of Ihram Khan was the site chosen for setting up a vegetable oil factory. Milliner Pakistan is the largest FMC company in Pakistan as well as one of the largest multinationals operating in the country now operating with six factories located at different locations around the country. Its head office was shifted to Karachi from Ihram Khan in mid ass’s. Business Areas Restructuring and consolidating activities at Milliner includes the decision to sell or withdraw many brands and concentrate on those with the biggest potential. Restructuring created the following core business areas: 1 Home and Personal Care 2 Foods 3 Beverages 4 Ice Creams 5 Best Foods Meeting every day needs of nutrition, hygiene and personal care Milliner has the following distribution of share in its product portfolio: Home Care Personal care Ice cream Beverages Spreads Savory Dressing 26 16 8 11 100% 2 Mission Leading consumer Product Company in Pakistan, a multinational with deeps roots in the country. Attract and develop highly talented people to empower double digit growth Serve the everyday needs for foods, hygiene and beauty of all consumers Produce breakthrough innovation in brands and channel Managing responsive supply chain maximize value from suppliers to customers Exemplary through commitment to business ethics, safety, health, environment and involvement in the community Conventional System of Sales Distribution Conventional system of distribution of sales in the company was focused primarily awards urban market. The growing rural and suburban markets were being ignored in terms of needed attention to get improved results. Primary sales and quantitative achievements were the key objectives and accountability in the sales team. Geographic distribution Pakistan was divided into three regions namely, Karachi, Lahore city and Islamabad. Karachi region covered Karachi, Hydrated, few cities of Shins rural, Lower Punjab e. G. , Umlaut and Coastal belt and parts of Balloonists province. Karachi contributed 25% in the overall sales and 20% of the coverage was done by Karachi. Karachi region had 82 distributors to manage. Most distributors were sole distributors of Milliner and credit was given to these distributors. Lahore city covered Lahore and nearby towns. Lahore had the biggest potential in terms of sales. The population was concentrated and dense. Lahore had 34 distributors to manage. Islamabad region had a vast area to cover but had less potential as compared to Lahore. It covered Islamabad, NFW and northern cities of Punjab. It had 57 Sales Hierarchy Sales hierarchy consisted of Director CCD, National Sales Manager (NSA), three Regional Sales Managers, 20 Area Managers and 45 Field Managers. Field Managers used to report to their Area Managers. Field Managers looked after corporate business which means managing all categories. In the urban cities, Field Managers had only one distributor under its control. However, in the rural towns one Field Manager used to look after 13, 15 or even 22 distributors at one point in time. Field Manager’s responsibility was to verify distributor’s redistribution claims. Administrative and commercial documentation was heavy in his Job description. Even at times Field 3 How to cite Unilever, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Practices In Diversity Management Customer -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Practices In Diversity Management Customer? Answer: Introducation Hilton Hotel helps in facilitating the homely atmosphere that helps in inviting individuals in their hotel. The respective hotel provides air-conditioned and spacious rooms that help them in attracting large number of tourists in comparison to other hotels. Diversity management is the particular strategy that helps in diversity progress of the workplace. The on-going process unleashes the different talents along with capabilities to create an environment that is inclusive in nature (Schermerhorn et al., 2014). Diversity Management is the key factor in facilitating cultural exchange on a global level. There are different benefits of the diversity management in Hilton Hotel wherein diversity within a company makes the hotel in building stronger brand and this helped them in gaining proper reputation and brand. The diversity in the respective hotel helped them in increasing the creativity, this helps in solving the issues, and this helps in encouraging the development and growth. Positive aspects of diversity management in Hilton Hotel Hilton Hotel has different positive aspects of the diversity management that is applied by them in the hotel. They follow the equality act 2010 in an effective manner that helps them in maintaining equality in the workplace. They do not discriminate the employees in the workplace wherein they encourages personal growth and development in the workplace. The diversified Hilton hotel helps in creating customer loyalty to the respective company wherein it is a great advantage for the entire company (Guillaume et al., 2017). Hilton hotel helps in optimizing the ability of the hotel in such a manner that this will help in meeting the different requirements in the workplace. For instance- An employee who is part of specific region or culture who works in the restaurant and the specific business is conducted and is a great advantage for the entire hotel. This helped the respective hotel in building strong brand that brings the diverse talents together to deliver the better results in the entire competitive market. Negative aspects of diversity management in Hilton Hotel Furthermore, there are different negative aspects of the diversity accounting in Hilton Hotel are relating to the resistance of the employees who are opposing the higher management officials for including the change in the relationships in the workplace. Furthermore, there are communication barriers that are affecting the external and internal process of communication in the respective hotel (Harvey Allard 2015). The increased costs are other factor that is negative aspect of diversity management in Hilton hotel. There are different direct and indirect costs included in the management of the Hilton hotel that is incurring such costs (Barak, 2016). The employees in the workplace are not included during decision making relating to the managing decisions in the workplace. The higher officials in the respective Hilton hotel are not fair in treating employees in an effective manner. The fairness is not adopted by Hilton hotel and this is not a proper measure taken by them (Cascio, 2018). All the employees in the organization are important assets and they should be valued as they bring profits in the business operated by the company. Strategies to be implemented by the Hilton group to improve their diversity management skills the given section suggests certain recommendations that can be taken by the Hilton Group of Hotels to improve their diversity management: The managers of the organization need to make sure that they take active participation in the brainstorming sessions, which will take place regarding management of the employees in the organization. In the meetings, they need to make sure that the staff also contributes to the meetings and give their idea (Harvey Allard, 2015). As the topic is regarding the diversity of the staff, the staff will be in the best position to implement plans for the organization. Hence, it is the duty of the managers at Hilton, to make sure that there takes place enough brain storming sessions in order to ensure that the rights of all the employees are retained. Assessment of diversity-Hilton group needs to make sure that it continuously assesses the organization to find any remains or aspects where the diversity techniques are not being implemented carefully. If there exists any discrimination in any department of the organization, then that is a proof that the organization has not been implementing its duty towards the employees seriously. Continuous assessment shall enable the hotel to make sure that the loopholes are identified (Madera, 2013). The assessment will also help the company to understand their improvement areas and make their implementation plans more successful. Managing resistance- Very often the hotel must be facing problems from the various staff that have been in the organization since a long period. Those employees have a certain manner in which they work and they would not like it if anything were changed. Hence, they tend to oppose to the management`s decision. This resistance among the employees can be removed with the help of inclusion plans. During the formulation process, if all the employees are included and involved, the employees can foster an environment of unity and help in solving the challenges faced by the Hilton group with respect to diversity management. One of the most relevant strategies that can be undertaken by Hilton Group of hotels is to appoint a diverse range of leaders in the organization. Once, there exists diversity among the leaders in the organization, all the members of the organization will look up to them and will get to view them from a new point of view (Cole Salimath, 2013). Even the leaders can understand the diversity problems from a personal point of view and will be more successful in forming management plans with respect to diversity. Diversity training- Training has been extremely successful in changing the procedures adopted by the people. Hence, it will be beneficial for the organization to provide diversity training to the employees. All the employees at Hilton, need to be sensitive about one another and all cultures, races, genders and backgrounds should be equally treated and respect (Rice, 2015). Once they are provided with adequate training on diversity issues, they will become more tolerant towards one another. Once the employees understand this, the hotel chain will function in an efficient manner. References Barak, M. E. M. (2016).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Cascio, W. (2018).Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education. Cole, B. M., Salimath, M. S. (2013). Diversity identity management: An organizational perspective.Journal of business ethics,116(1), 151-161. Guillaume, Y. R., Dawson, J. F., Otaye?Ebede, L., Woods, S. A., West, M. A. (2017). Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?.Journal of Organizational Behavior,38(2), 276-303. Harvey, C. P., Allard, M. (2015).Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises. Pearson. Harvey, C. P., Allard, M. (2015).Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises. Pearson Madera, J. M. (2013). Best practices in diversity management in customer service organizations: an investigation of top companies cited by Diversity Inc.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,54(2), 124-135 Rice, M. F. (2015).Diversity and public administration. ME Sharpe. Schermerhorn, J., Davidson, P., Poole, D., Woods, P., Simon, A., McBarron, E. (2014).Management: Foundations and Applications (2nd Asia-Pacific Edition). John Wiley Sons
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