Saturday, November 30, 2019
Slavery in the Roman Empire
The Roman Empire had mixed complexities with ruthlessness and could suddenly heave from civilization, dictatorship, and extreme greed. Besides, it had different leaders who exercised their powers in unusual ways. Consequently, the unworthy empires abused their offices by infuriating their subjects. They employed several ways of ruling over the Roman Empire (Gordon 94).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery in the Roman Empire specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, the emperors established the top most social order in Rome where the less privileged especially the poor and the slaves were discriminated. As a result, the administration interfered with the social status of many citizens negatively (Duiker and Spielvogel 83). Actually, they rarely had freedom since others who felt that they were highly placed in the society could mock some of the subjects. Apparently, there were several conflicts and anxious ness among the citizens within the Roman community. Certainly, this was because of the social classes that were in place between different groups of people. The elite were the rich people, and majority of the population that comprised of the common farmers, artisans, and merchants known as the plebeians occupied the low status (85). Slavery in the Ancient Roman Empire was highly abusive and degrading. Joining the likes of Ancient Greece and Egypt, Rome practiced slavery that was not based on race. The empire had captured sailors, prisoners of war, and pirates who could be mistreated, branded and whipped. The harsh treatment is evident in the manner in which their owners possessed them as properties, and could sell or kill them at will, with no punishment for human right’s violation. Even though the concept of slavery was wholly accepted within the empire, Seneca, a poet and philosopher, held that slaves, just like other humans, should be given fair treatment. The empire pract iced manumission in which slaves could either buy their freedom or get outright release from their masters (Gordon 95). Such slaves were accorded fewer rights since the manumission was informal. However, slaves who were freed formally had to go to the magistrate, and were given rights to become full citizens of Rome, but could not hold public offices. On the other hand, their off springs had full rights of citizenship. So orchestrated was the slavery aspect within this society that even after full freedom, former slaves could not overcome the slavery stigma.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since the Roman population was incredibly sensitive about the social status of every individual, it was made up of various groups and domestic slaves, which were the fundamental groups in the society. In fact, the less advantaged had no right to influence the decisions made by other people con sidered great in the society and, subsequently, the older citizens sold most young citizens into slavery. Worst of all, some were even killed especially those who attempted to oppose the actions by the elders and the most respected people in the society (105). On the other hand, this form of inequality resulted into a governance structure where there was a shared advantage among the citizens. For instance, most of the rich showed a lot of respect to those whom they employed; they could go with them to the social places and business forums. The Roman Empire preferred slave labor to any other job. Consequently, most people who were arrested and detained during the war became slaves in the Empire. Most bosses exploited the slaves, as they worked in large agricultural firms and were beaten up ruthlessly. Besides, Greek slaves were in high demand because most of them were professionals. Businesspersons also employed them as shop assistants and artisans. However, most slaves from other re gions were household workers who could cook and take care of gardens (Gibbon 202). As a result of the exploitation, there was an episodic slave revolts revolutions which was founded to help them come out of the bondage . The movement was led by Thracian Gladiator Spartacus; he succeeded in overpowering most of the Romans. Nonetheless, the Roman government later killed him. Even though most of the girls in some well-to-do families went to primary schools to where they received basic education, they were forced into early marriage at their teens. This culture led largely to discrimination on women. Definitely, they had no voice in the community and they could not question any move by men (Duiker and Spielvogel 95). Further, most men viewed them as children and even the law required the males to be their advocates. They could not even own property or even attend any function presided over by men. The Roman law considered slaves as personal properties that owners could possess, mistreat , and dispossess at will. With poor living and working conditions, slaves contributed to the growth of the Ancient Rome’s economy. There are several reasons for the fall of the empire. Some of the combined dramatic events that led to the fall of Rome include political incompetence, invasion by the Visigoths and Huns tribes from central and northern Europe respectively, corruption, inflation and military overreach (Gordon 99). Historians have suggested that the infighting within the army coupled with the infiltration of Germanic tribesmen into the ranks diluted and weaken the once powerful force. Moreover, the extraneous expenses by the military in defending the borders of the empire from barbarian attacks drained the government.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery in the Roman Empire specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With such overspending in the military, the government could not provide vital service s, such as public housing and maintain quality roads (Gibbon 245). Frustrations set in among the Romans and they went on to lose the need to fight for the interests of the empire. Sensing lose of desire to defend the Empire, the government hired soldiers from foreign nations and unemployed city mobs. The new crops in the army were not only unreliable, but also expensive to maintain, thus pushed up inflation. The increase in prices of essential commodities that began after the reign of Marcus Aurelius arose due to less gold to mint coins, as the Romans were spending them to pay for luxury items. The coins lost value due to the reduction in the number of gold, thus forcing merchants to increase the prices of their products. Wealthy men carried out large-scale farming in large estates, latifundia, and used slaves as the source of labor (Duiker and Spielvogel 100). The large-scale aspect made it difficult for citizen farmers to compete with the low prices. Consequently, they abandoned f arming and moved to cities with unemployed people. Evidently, unemployment among the working class became rife in the Roman Empire; it went on to cause instability in the operations of the empire. Nevertheless, the Roman Empire later failed due to inadequate support from a section of citizens who were disappointed by the manner it carried out its duties. Evidently, the subjects of Justinian were the most affected group. The Empire experienced poverty; this was after the monks took over Europe and Asia (Gibbon 240). Acts of oppression are evident in the fall of the Roman Empires. Works Cited Duiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. The Essential World History. 7th ed. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth;, 2013. Print. Gibbon, Edward. â€Å"The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.†International Journal Political Thought 140 (1977): 200-250. Print. Gordon, William D. â€Å"The Nationality of Slaves under the Early Roman Empire.†Journal of Roman Studies 14 ( 1924): 93-111. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Slavery in the Roman Empire was written and submitted by user Libby Le to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Essays - English-language Films
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Essays - English-language Films Adventures of Huckleberry Finn All children have a special place, whether chosen by a conscious decision or not this is a place where one can go to sort their thoughts. Nature can often provide comfort by providing a nurturing surrounding where a child is forced to look within and choices can be made untainted by society. Mark Twain once said "Don't let school get in the way of your education." Twain states that this education which is provided by society, can actually hinder human growth and maturity. Although a formal education shouldn't be completely shunned, perhaps true life experience, in society and nature, are a key part of development. In the novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain throws the curious yet innocent mind of Huck Finn out into a very hypocritical, judgmental, and hostile world, yet Huck has one escapethe Mississippi River constantly flowing nearby. Here nature is presented as a thought provoking environment when experienced alone. The river is quiet and peaceful place where Huck can revert to examine any predicament he might find himself in: "They went off, and I got aboard the raft, feeling bad and low?Then I thought a minute, and says to myself, hold on,- s'pose you'd a done right and give Jim up; would you felt better than you do now? No, says I, I'd feel bad?" (p.127). Only a few weeks with Jim and still feeling great ambivalence, Huck returns to the river to think. Twain tries here to tell the reader how strong the "mob" really is, and only when totally alone is Huck able to make the morally correct decision. The natural flowing and calm of the river cause this deep-thought, show! ing how unnatural the collective thought of a society can be. The largest and most obvious test of Huck's character is his relationship with Jim. The friendship and assistance which he gives to Jim go completely against all that "sivilization" has taught him; at first this concept troubles Huck and causes him a great deal of pain, but over time, through his life experiences and shared times with Jim, Huck crosses the line upheld by the racist South and comes to know Jim as a human being. Huck is at a point in his life where opinions are formed, and by growing on the river, Huck can stand back from society and form his own. Eventually he goes as far as to risk his life for Jim:"And got to thinking of our trip down the river; and I see Jim before me, all the time, in the day, and in the night-time, sometimes moonlight, sometimes storms, and we a floating along, talking, and singing, and laughing. But somehow I couldn't see no places to harden me against him, but only the other kind?I studied a minute sort of holding my breath, and then I s! ays to myself: 'All right, then, I'll go to hell'?" (pp.270-271). After a long and thought-provoking adventure, Huck returns to the raft one final time to decide the fate of his friend. Symbolically, Huck makes the morally correct decision away from all others, thinking on the river. Although it might not be evident to himself, Huck causes the reader to see that "sivilization", in their treatment of blacks especially, is not civilized at all. Every person Huck and Jim come across seems to just be following someone else blindly, as the whole country were some sort of mob. In the last few chapters, Tom Sawyer is re-introduced and the reader is left to examine how different environments: "sivilization" and nature (the river), have affected the children's growth. It is distinctly evident that Huck has turned out to be the one with a clear and intelligent mind, and Tom, although he can regurgitate worthless facts about Louis XVI and Henry VIII, shows no real sign of maturity. "The first time I catched up to Tom, private, I asked him what was his idea, time of the evasion?- what it was he planned to do if the evasion worked out all right and he managed to set a nigger free that was already free before? And he said, what he had planned in his head, from the start, if we got
Friday, November 22, 2019
Behaviour management assignment
Behaviour management assignment INTRODUCTION Background information on the child The little boy in question (known as Greg Booker from here on – to protect his real identity) is 3 and three and quarter years old. He has attended nursery since the age of 3 and a half. Greg came for two pre visits to the nursery and both times it was observed that he did not want to leave mum’s lap and was unwilling to access the activities available, nor was he encouraged too by mum. In a group or class situation he is quiet and shy and does not like to talk to his peers and you can see he feels awkward around them. He has made little attempt to make friends within the group, selecting only one other child that he likes to stand with. Greg has made firm attachments to all the adults within the setting and will happily talk freely to them. (1)†Yet there is another group of children in our midst whose behaviour should be just as much a cause of concern to us, a group whose needs are different but just as important , and who are apt to get lost in the noise and confusion of modern life. They are the quiet children, the painfully shy, the withdrawn, the anxious, the friendless – the ‘invisible children’ (Makins, 1997). but when he feels comfortable with an adult he is confident to talk to them clearly and concisely. Background information of the family Greg lives with mum and dad and has one older sister they live within a nuclear family environment. All grandparents and aunts and uncles live in Scotland. Greg’s older sister attends the school attached to the nursery, she never attended nursery but upon entering the reception class took a very long time to settle (6 months to be precise – information obtained from reception class teachers). Mum realised that by not letting his sister attend the nursery setting was a mistake and freely admitted that she did not want the same for her son. Observed behaviour of parent and child on entering the setting When mum dro ps Greg of at nursery, she will come into the setting pick him up and kiss and cuddle the child excessively before leaving, however he is not distressed when mum leaves although Greg was distressed on his first day at nursery and then did not cry from day two at the setting. Mummy has always told Greg that he is her baby and she will often say in his presence, â€Å"you are my baby, I don’t want him to grow up and I’m going to be lonely when he goes up to reception class†. Other parents have commented that when Greg is invited to birthday parties, mum will stay and Greg will remain seated on mummy’s knee for the duration of the birthday party, whilst other children are confident to stay by themselves. Mum recently approached me to say that she was organising a party for Greg’s fourth birthday, but when mum asked him for the names of the children he wanted to invite, he said he only wanted to invite two of the children from the setting.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Defining Marketing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Defining Marketing Paper - Essay Example However, with the little background that I gained, I have learned that marketing encompasses a wide array of activities aside from selling products and services. In fact, marketing is a lot more complicated than it seems. It starts at determining the needs of customers and creating a product together with the proper strategies to bring it to them. Now, my definition of marketing is the satisfaction of customer needs through the provision of products and services at a profit. The definition of marketing varies from organization to organization. The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM 2007) defined marketing as the â€Å"management process responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer requirements profitably.†This is a very broad definition of marketing. It highlights three important aspects that marketing accomplishes. First, it recognizes the purpose of business organizations to design products which satisfy customer requirements. Marketing does not just involve offering any goods and services but business organizations should strive to offer those which offer customer value. Second, it stresses the aim of business organizations to generate profit from its operations. Thus, the definition of CIM involves assessing the marketing strategy which will be mutually beneficial for customers and companies. Business organizations as this definition implies are profit maximizing entities. Lastly, this definition highlight that marke ting is not just about providing the current needs by â€Å"anticipating†the future requirements of the markets. In summary, the CIM’s definition of marketing balances the satisfaction of customer and profit maximizing goal of business organizations. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA 2007), â€Å"marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to
Monday, November 18, 2019
Rousseau, Marx and the Critique of Classical Liberalism Essay
Rousseau, Marx and the Critique of Classical Liberalism - Essay Example Rousseau on the other hand, emphasizes on democratic political interdependence and economic self-sufficiency whereby all human beings are free and also tries to explain the origin of inequalities and how to resolve them. Just like Rousseau, Marx hates inequalities hence much of his work is criticism of the capitalist state and goes beyond political democracy to emancipation of the human race. The paper will discuss Rousseau and Marx approaches to critique of classical liberalism. Classical liberalism puts emphasis on securing the freedom of individual by limiting the power of the state and this freedom is referred as liberty. In this case, ownership of private property is encouraged and protected by the law and exchange of the property with a willing buyer is voluntary. It also advocates for the need to separate the church from the state hence freedom of religion and also free trade. This is in the belief that people have inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness a nd the role of the state is to safeguard these rights (Fremont-Barnes, 225). It is also based on the idea that people aim at maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain and that people engage in labor voluntarily to get a reward or due to fear of hunger. Much emphasis is placed on the individual since the society is a sum of individual members thus discourages formation of unions or group associations (Epstein, 1-12). Contrary to classical liberalism which emphasizes negative freedom whereby others should refrain from interfering with other’s rights, Rousseau views freedom as positive whereby individuals are enabled to realize higher goods. On the discourse on the origin and basis of inequality (1755), Rousseau acknowledges the existence of primitive societies who lived under the natural state and directed to act by their passions and desire. Under the natural state, all men are equal and inequality is brought about by men through civilization (Rousseau 1987, 26). Each society me mber has a task to perform and no one is forced to share tasks with others and the sovereign and the people have same interests. Contrary to classical liberalism, under this democratic government no one is above the law and if a government proves not fit for the society, the society has the right to overthrow it and form a new government. Such was the case with the French revolution which led to overthrow of the monarch. The government envisioned by Rousseau is a direct and not representative democracy where the people are sovereign with a general will and legislative power with the government being distinct from the sovereign (Rousseau 2008, 25). The government neither engages in conquest of its neighbors since it is self-sufficient nor expects to be conquered but instead it expects the neighbors to be of assistance in time of need hence political interdependence (Rousseau 1987, 27). On his second discourse, Rousseau points out two types of inequalities; natural inequality such as age, health and bodily strength; Moral or political inequality which is consented by men such as being more powerful, richer and more honored. He argues that the development of inequalities was as a result of evolution from natural to moral inequality. The formation of language was important in the evolution as it enabled the ideas to be spread widely otherwise in the state of nature, any
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Understanding the affordable care act Essay Example for Free
Understanding the affordable care act Essay Understanding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(PPACA or ACA) can be difficult but it is not as confusing as it may seem. This paper will highlight some of the provisions that have already been implemented and will discuss how it affects me, healthcare workers, and the citizens of Arkansas. There are two provisions I will discuss that went into effect on January 1, 2011. One is known as the Medical-Loss Ratio(MLR) and the other is a policy focused on Bringing down healthcare premiums. The MLR policy will put an end to insurance companies being able to raise rates without explaining their actions, or justifying the reason for their high premiums. The policy aims to bring transparency to the healthcare rate changes by requiring â€Å"that all insurers seeking rate increases of 10% or more in the individual or small group market publicly disclose the proposed increases and the justification for them†. (Insurance Rate Increases, Posted: December 21, 2010, para. 4) These proposed increases will be analyzed further by the affected state before approval to determine if they are in fact reasonable. The ACA provides funding to states in order to strengthen or create rate review processes and consumers will be provided with detailed information on proposed increases from their insurance provider. The other significant policy made effective at the same time is one that will bring down the cost of insurance premiums. Under this provision, insurers must spend 80% (for individual or small group insurers) or 85% (for large group insurers) of premium dollars on health costs and claims, leaving only 20% or 15% respectively for adminis trative costs and profits. If an insurer fails to meet this requirement, there is no penalty, but a rebate must be issued to the policy holder. (Key Features of the ACA, n.d.) This affects me by protecting me from unreasonable rate increases. As I get older, I make more frequent visits to a healthcare provider for both acute and chronic illness. The costs add up quickly and with a limited source of income, anything that I can save helps greatly. A common feeling among insurance holders is that we are paying for something that we never use so the idea of a rebate for overpayment of premiums will be welcomed by all. There is one provision that became effective on September 23, 2010 that was a relief to my family in a time of despair. My mother underwent many procedures and surgeries in the last few years of her life and we were concerned about limits on annual or lifetime coverage placed on her by the insurance company. Under the law, insurance companies are prohibited from imposing lifetime dollar limits on essential benefits, and their use of annual dollar limits on the amount of insurance coverage a patient may receive will be restricted. Her medical bills were significant, but we never had to worry about her coverage expiring. The American Nurses Association has fighting for health care reform for many years. By doing so, the ANA is promoting our core value of patient advocacy. We have been taught that we should represent our patients’ best interests in regards to healthcare at all times. So supporting measures that will allow for more affordable healthcare, is what nurses should do. The ANA has been working to ensure that RNs are â€Å"fully included as leaders and eligible health care providers in new, patient-centered, team-based models of care, and accountable care organizations. ANA continues to urge federal agencies to include advanced practice registered nurses as primary care providers, and for nurse-managed clinics to qualify as essential community providers.†(Still The Law, August 2012, para. 7) Arkansas has put much effort into forming our Health Insurance Benefits Exchange, called the Arkansas Health Connector. It is a program through which our more than 500,000 uninsured Arkansas can shop for affordable health insurance. The plans are required to offer 10 essen tial services. Some of which include prescription drugs, emergency and hospital care, doctor visits, maternity and mental health services, rehabilitation and lab services. â€Å"The Arkansas insurance Department(AID) has been awarded a one year, $1 million planning grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight CCIIO) to assist with studying options for development of the best possible Insurance Exchange for Arkansans.†(Planning for HBE, n.d., para. 2) This Arkansas Health Connector makes it easier for uninsured individuals to shop for comparable and affordable health plans. The requirements placed on these plans are also greatly needed in order to provide complete healthcare and prevent future healthcare related costs. The only cons that I will mention are that not enough people know about the availability of this program and that if people do not already know, they will found out rather abruptly when they are assessed a $95 penalty on their filed income tax return. The ACA outlines plans to reduce episodic based care and increase population(community) base d care. The idea is to provide a higher value of healthcare instead of volume, while reducing readmissions for nosocomial infections, preventable diseases, or complications from chronic conditions and illnesses. By implementing community based programs to promote healthcare, we can reduce healthcare costs and help patients live healthier lives with reducing the risks of significant and recurring medical problems as well as their associated costs. Regardless of arguments against the ACA, the most important aspect is that it helps Americans to become and remain healthier people. It teaches our next generation to value healthcare, and to take an active role in being healthier adults. The ACA will affect me professionally as well as personally. Another provision of the ACA provides for the increase of payments for rural healthcare providers. The majority of communities who are most in need of higher quality and more affordable healthcare, are located in the rural areas of our country. These communities often have trouble attracting and retaining medical professionals. My wife is also a nursing student, and we live in a rural area, so we plan to take advantage of these incentives to provide a hig her standard of healthcare to those in need. A similar provision worth mentioning calls for the rebuilding of the primary care workforce. In order to strengthen the availability and quality of healthcare, there has been increased funding for scholarships and loan repayments for primary care physicians and nurses working in underserved areas, as well as tax free student loan payments for these health professionals. (Key Features of the ACA, n.d.) Again this affects my wife and I directly through scholarship opportunities and reduced financial burden after we graduate. Also affecting me is the increase in the number of patients seeking healthcare due to more people have health insurance. This will increase the demand for both registered and advanced practice nurses in episodic based care as well as in the community. Our role as an educator will be more important than ever when teaching patients who have never had affordable health care. There are many arguments against this legislation, but as an aspiring nurse, I have yet to fin d one that suggests ACA is not the best option we have for making a healthier future for America. References Affordable care act is still the law. (August 2012). Retrieved from Key features of the affordable care act by year. (n.d.). Retrieved from Planning for the arkansas health benefits exchange. (n.d.). Retrieved from Shining a light on health insurance rate increases. (Posted: December 21, 2010). Retrieved from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hedda Gabler Essay -- essays research papers
Hedda Gabler      Hedda Gabler is a more modern tragic figure. Like Job, she has gone through pain and suffering. Just as many of the Greek tragic figures and Job confront their Gods, Hedda Gabler confronts the controlling forces in her life. She needs control and in order for her to gain control over her life she commits suicide and does it beautifully to fulfill her romantic quest. It is implied, though never clearly stated, that Hedda grew up without a female influence. Her father who was a General raised her around guns. She was socialized to be more violent than lady-like. Hedda, as all women in her time, was restricted by society. She married Tesman because that was expected of her. She had no way of surviving on her own. She had courted Lovborg before meeting Tesman. She called herself a coward because she denied Lovborg and gave in to the influence of society. When she lost Lovborg, she loss purpose, and meaning and that created her boredom. Page 2 Her marriage to Tesman was not what she wanted for herself. She wanted much more. Hedda did not want the restraints put on her by society. She thought she could live through Tesman. To Hedda, he was boring and too caught up in his work she wanted him to join politics because that was what she wanted to do but was forbidden because she was a woman. He was not rich enough to do so and that destroyed her dream. Hedda would not settle for living homebound. Hedda was Lovborg's inspiration in one ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Lactose Tolerance
Lactose is the most important carbohydrate in milk. It cannot be absorbed in the intestine, but needs to be split in two molecules by the enzyme lactase. In newborns the (very rare) absence of the enzyme is lethal unless special food can be provided. Until fairly recently it was considered normal by Western medicine that in older children and adults the activity of lactase was maintained. We now know that this is the rule among west Europeans and their descendants in other countries. In many other populations the continuation of lactase excretion in older children and adults is virtually absent, leading to lactose intolerance (Dobzhansky et al., 1997). Lactose intolerance is manifested by diarrhea, abdominal pain, and flatulence after consumption of, let us say, half a liter of cow's milk (Braly, 1992). This holds for many East Asian groups, Melanesians, Native Americans and for most Africans. Groups of nomadic pastoralists in Africa, such as the Fulani, form a notable exception with high prevalence of lactose tolerance. In southern Europe and in certain regions of India intermediate values (from 30 percent to 70 percent) are found lactose tolerance, a biological, genetic adaptation that is commonly found in populations with a long history of dairying ( Populations with this genetic trait have the ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk. The intestinal enzyme lactase breaks down lactose into simpler sugars that can be absorbed and metabolized as a source of energy. Lactose also plays a part in the absorption of the calcium in milk. This is especially important when Vitamin D deficiency is present ( Durham 1991:226-228). Durham (1991) has pointed out that the full story is more complicated than was originally supposed, since it involves calcium as well as lactose absorption. Nevertheless, the result is the same. Today, between 70 and 100 per cent of human adults whose ancestors came from long-term dairy-farming areas are lactose-tolerant, whereas the great majority of those who stem from non-dairy-farming areas remain lactose-intolerant. This differentiation must have occurred within the last 10,000 years, and must have been induced by human phenotypes changing their own environments. When the body is functioning normally, lactase breaks down lactose into two simple sugars, glucose and galactose, which are used by the body. But when there is a lack of sufficient lactase, the unabsorbed lactose migrates to the colon, where it becomes fermented by intestinal bacteria and causes gastrointestinal problems. In most humans, lactase activity disappears after infancy. That is, they become more or less lactose intolerant after they are weaned. Although they may be able to drink a small glass of milk without much trouble, if they drink large amounts the undigested lactose gives them diarrhea, bloating, and gas. Even though they do not absorb the lactose in milk as an energy source, they may be able to make use of the protein, calcium, and fat in milk, if they drink small enough amounts to avoid distress and the nutritional losses incurred with diarrhea. Alternately, cultural adaptations such as making cheese or yogurt reduce the lactose content. Presumably, the reason lactose intolerance occurs early in life has to do with the process of weaning. Some children are genetically programmed to stop being able to handle milk once they pass the age of breastfeeding. Although there is no perfect correlation the relationship between lactose tolerance in adults and animal husbandry is striking. Two explanations have been suggested, one cultural, and the other referring to physical qualities of the environment (Flatz & Rotthauwe, 1977). In the cultural explanation it is postulated that the consumption of milk, because of its nutritional value in proteins, should give a selection advantage. Once there were a few individuals who can tolerate milk, this trait could slowly spread through the population over a large number of generations. The fact that there are cattle farming populations with a low frequency of tolerance weakens this hypothesis. In addition, when milk has fermented it is low in lactose content and is digestible in the absence of lactase in the consumer's intestinal tract. The second hypothesis postulates an advantage of lactose tolerance in areas with relatively little ultraviolet sunlight, such as northern Europe. Sunlight plays a role in the production of vitamin D which is needed for calcium metabolism. A too low level of vitamin D leads to rickets, a bone disease. It has been suggested that lactose is an alternative substance to vitamin D in the metabolism of calcium. Another version of this hypothesis bears on the direct absorption of vitamin D contained in milk and milk products. In practical terms, knowledge of lactose tolerance and intolerance is important when proposing food aid programs. Knowing that milk can cause digestive problems helps us understand why recipients of powdered milk as emergency aid have used the milk to whitewash their buildings and have even accused aid programs of being U.S. plots to poison them ( Lerner and Libby 1976:327). Health educators also need to be cautious about over-promoting milk products to ethnic groups, such as Asian Americans, who do not tolerate them well. In evolutionary terms, farming is quite recent on the human scene, and most of the adaptations to it have been cultural rather than genetic. Lactose tolerance is particularly interesting because it shows the coevolutionary interaction between biological and cultural adaptation to the farming way of life. References Attwood, Charles R. Calcium Without the Cow. Retrieved on January 29, 2006 Braly, James, M.D., and Torbet, Laura. (1992). Dr. Braly's Food Allergy and Nutrition Revolution. New Canaan, Conn.: Keats Publishing, Inc. Dobzhansky, T., Ayala, F. J., Stebbins, G. L., & Valentine, J. W. (1997). Evolution. San Francisco: Freeman. Durham, William H. (1991). Coevolution: Genes, Culture, and Human Diversity. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Flatz, G., & Rotthauwe, H. W. (1977). The human lactase polymorphism: Physiology and genetics of lactose absorption and malabsorption. Progress in Medical Genetics, 2, 205–49. Lerner, Michael, and William J. Libby. (1976). Heredity, Evolution and Society. Second ed. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.  Â
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Beowulf’s Defining Characteristic
Beowulf Essay Beowulf, like so many other heroes, is described as a great fghter and a man of tremendous strength. He has self-confidence bordering on insanity. He is willing to do whatever it takes to earn trust and protect his people. He chooses to fght Grendel, an invincible monster unarmed and unprotected because he is very confident in his own strength. Despite his many qualities that make him who he is, bravery is the defining characteristic of heroism in Beowulf.Beowulf has a strong desire to demonstrate his bravery to others. He travelled to the Land of the Danes in large part to prove his courage by destroying Grendel. Just as he was about to kill Grendel, he offered a prayer to God. After the battle, Beowulf knew that he did not kill Grendel alone. He says that God allowed him to kill the monster and gave him all of the credit. Beowulf then fearlessly goes to Grendel's mother's underground lair after she attacks the mead-hall Heorot to avenge his eath.Beowulf became ruler o f the Kingdom of the Geats. His first task as he ruler was protecting the Geats from a fearsome dragon. The dragon was angered because a servant stole an ornamented cup from him. Before engaging in his biggest battle thus far, he remains brave and confident. Beowulf remembered all of his past victories and knew he had to stay loyal to his people, no matter what the challenge was. Through Beowulf's bravery, strength, and loyalty, he earned the respect of many people.His actions resemble one of America's most important Political fgures, Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK and Beowulf both have the intentions freeing and protecting their people. Beowulf saved his people from giant, invincible monsters, while MLK saved his people from the monster of racism. The two of them showed an amazing amount of bravery while doing this. Although their hardships and battles were completely different from each other, their motives and intentions to save their people were nearly identical.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Most Popular Macy’s Interview Questions
The Most Popular Macy’s Interview Questions So you have an interview at Macy’s, likely for a retail position. Regardless of exactly what your role would be in the corporation, the rules of interview preparation are fairly standard. The first thing you’ll want to do is ready yourself to answer the interview questions that might come your way. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most popular from Macy’s interviews in the past. Prepare answers to as many as possible and practice, practice, practice before the big day. 1. â€Å"Why do you want to work at Macy’s?†If you don’t have an answer to this, you’re sunk. Oh, and your answer definitely can’t be: â€Å"I just really need a job.†Do some research into the company and come up with one or two things you really value or respect. Use this question as an opportunity to show your passion for the job you’re interviewing for, and to show them your commitment to their brand.2. â€Å"Why should we hire you ?†Having thoroughly digested the job posting, you’ll be prepared to explain exactly why you are perfect for this job- and in the very terms they put forth in the listing. You could try and also sell yourself to them as the ideal Macy’s customer, and show that you are already aware of their customers’ needs, making you an extremely effective potential salesperson.3. â€Å"Describe an ideal customer service interaction.†Really have an answer for this. If you want to work in retail- or do already- chances are you have experience and with a bit of thought can come up with an insightful, honest answer about how you personally view customer service ideals. Remember to emphasize closing your sales, keeping the customer happy, getting the customer to return, going the extra mile, etc.- all the usual things you know to be successful retail strategies.4. â€Å"What is your favorite thing about fashion?†This is your opportunity to show your interview er again that you share interests with the company and would be an asset to their team. Talk about what fashion means to you, then make sure to pivot to how Macy’s is an ideal in this respect.5. â€Å"How would you handle an upset customer?†You might get this question or a more specific version, involving a particular scenario. Have a general answer prepared, but also be ready on your feet in case your interviewer asks how you would handle a specific situation. If you have your ideals and policies firmly in mind, you should be fine.6. â€Å"How would you go about selling me a Macy’s credit card?†You’ve been asked at check-out, probably multiple times. How would you do it? Keep in mind you’ll be required to and you’ll likely be rated on your ability to do so- this is a priority of your potential boss. Put yourself in the customers’ shoes and think what strategy would work best on you!7. â€Å"Why do you want this job?†Thi s question might be another way of asking why you want to work at Macy’s. Or it could be more specific. Why do you want this job? Go through the posting word for word and have an answer prepared as to why you are a particularly good fit for this particular position. Emphasize how you could be an asset to the company and you can’t go wrong.8. â€Å"Talk about a time you led a team.†If your position involves any leadership, expect this to come up. Have a good anecdote prepared for a successful leadership role you assumed. Explain the outcome, what you learned, and how you plan to do even better in your next opportunity.These questions are based on actual questions Macy’s interviewees have been asked. Remember that any variants on these are fair game, as well as more specific, scenario-based questions you could not necessarily anticipate. Do your homework, ready your spiel, and be prepared for anything. Sell yourself as passionate about what you do (and, of course, about Macy’s as a company), and you’ll do fine.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurial Business Venture Essay
Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurial Business Venture - Essay Example The related rights of copyright consist of the rights of performing artists for their performances, producers of phonograms, and those of broadcasters' programmes in either radio or television. The rights granted in all types of intellectual property are essentially negative. A patent refers to the exclusive right granted for an invention that either provides a novel means of doing, or a new technical solution to a problem. Patents provides protection for a limited period, generally 20 years. The protection granted to patent owners includes that another person cannot make commercial reproduction, use, distribution and sale of the invention without the consent of the patent owner. To enforce these rights, patent owners have to enforce it in court to prevent or enjoin patent infringement. Corollary to this, a court may declare a patent invalid when challenged. A patent owner is given the right to decide who can use the patented invention for the period granted in the patent and ahs the right to permit or license third parties to use, sell, distribute or market the invention. Upon expiration of a patent, the protection consequently ends, with the invention becoming a part of the public domain. The patent owner does not anymore have exclusive rights to the p atented invention and now available for commercial exploitation. To secure a patent, the first step is to file the application for patent that should contain the name or title of the invention and an indication of the technical field. The application must also state the background and description of the invention specific enough for an individual of average understanding in the field could subsequently use to reproduce the invention. The application must be accompanied by visual representations of the invention like diagrams, plans or drawings describe the invention better and must contain various "claims" or the necessary information that determines the extent of protection applied. To be patentable, the invention must satisfy the following conditions: (1) it must be of practical use; (2) it must be novel, that is, new characteristic in the field not yet known in the body of existing knowledge called "prior art"; (3) shows an inventive step not knowable by someone in the field with average knowledge; and (4) the invention must be accepted as "patentable" law. Hence, mathematical methods, scientific theories, discoveries of natural substances, commercial methods, plant or animal varieties, or methods for medical treatment are not patentable. A patent is usually granted by a national patent office or by a regional office for several countries. Under a regional application, applicant requests protection in several countries but each country decides on the application. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) provides for the system of filing a single international patent application with similar effect as national applications. An applicant files one application only. Thus, the joint business venture may file for patent application for the technology that combines the Osyter card's radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and the debit cards EFTPOS system together. A
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The impact of online selling on small businesses Essay
The impact of online selling on small businesses - Essay Example This essay outlines the benefits and the costs from online retailing for small businesses that use online retailing and for those that do not use online retailing. It also outlines how online retailing would affect the financial management of an existing small business that chooses to move into online retailing. The benefits and costs from online retailing for small businesses that use online retailing Online retailing presents various benefits to small businesses that use it to offer their products and services. In online retailing, the cost of business operations is lower as compared to operating through physical stores. Dale (2010) explains that in online retailing, all only one retail facility is required for sales, shipment and customer services. This reduces the cost of running many retail stores. This mode of business operation involves inbound shipping of products to one location and this makes the cost of shipping lower compared to making shipments to many retail locations. In online retailing, it is easy to control the costs of staff. An example of this is that phone and e-mail support specialists handle all requests from customers. This eliminates the need for sales persons to be stationed at individual retail locations of a business. Online retailing leads to a reduction of time costs because all decision-making personnel are located in one place leading to a quick dissemination of new directives. Lesonsky (2009) states that online retailing leads to improved sales. This is because all the products of a company are housed in one place hence customers benefit from enhanced employee knowledge and stock selection. Improved sales also result from owning an open store that operates all days and all hours of the week. Unlike physical stores who need to attract customers through appealing merchandise displays and securing a prime location, online retailers just require the website. Nissanoff (2006) explains that this is their only interaction point with th eir customers and this helps to eliminate high rent rates charged at prime locations. Owning a physical retail entity is expensive compared to owning an online storefront that is backed by a warehouse that is well-organised for inventory purposes. This is also to say that online retailing presents lower capital requirements for start-ups. It is the desire of every business to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors and online retailing offers this chance. According to Kumar et al (2004), online retailing allows small businesses to capitalize on the differences between them and brick-and-mortar stores by developing efficient business operations that support online storefronts that are user-friendly. This creates a unique opportunity for success to e-retailers. Online retailing also makes it easy to achieve repeated business with customers because online business requires customers to fill in their names, contacts and address in order to purchase products. This creates chanc es for customer follow-ups and timely notification on new products, discounts, offers and promotions. In addition to the above, online retailing creates a chance for expanding the operations of small businesses into the global market. Despite the above benefits, there are some costs from online retailing for small businesses that use it. Unlike retailers with physical stores,
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