Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bellboy Case
It is essential to first have general understanding of the Terms Bellboy. This name is generally associated with a person whose task is to run errands and sometimes help guests with baggage in hotels. The Bellboy often connected with question; what happened to the dollar, is a case that has been used by scholars to explain and make their ideas more sellable and attractive to their readers and scholars in their scopes of study.Three men of Italian decent also referred to as farmers by profession are said to have visited a foreign country and in the process the need to procure boarding facilities arose.It was in that way that these three gentlemen found themselves in a hotel where they wanted to hire sleeping rooms. After a $30 agreement for the three men they agree amongst themselves that each should give $10. And so they did. Later the hotelier decides to charge twenty five dollars. It is here that we here the bellboy mentioned first as the story continues. The issues arise when the hotelier decides to refund back the excess five dollars back to the three gentlemen. Not knowing how to divide five dollars among three men he decides to keep two dollars for himself and give each-gentle man a dollar as a refund.This is where after reading the story one notices the trick. One,after careful analysis of the story notices that a dollar will end-up being un-accounted for-thus posing the question of what happened to the dollar? The survey as presented is good since it provides readers with deep explanations of the field’s theory populated with daily cases. The case study here presents research marketing, the process of it and also explains the problem in its expository chapters. The general research work design is well reviewed, another plus for the use of the designed data collection forms and methodologies.The authors employ Data collection and exemplary designs in their conclusion of the case-study besides conducting a clear interpretation of facts and analysis . Churchill and Dawn chose to concentrate abstractly on objective support systems and information operations and more specifically to helping information seekers recognize a task easily, put it in order and ask for the opinion of those empowered to make judgments. The appropriateness of the Bell boy case cannot be overemphasized in the way it is used by the authors as a central influence point on the report and generally all over the books.Seemingly intended for grounding the foundations of marketing research, the Bellboy case-study encourages readers to think creatively beyond the scope. Maybe the greatest achievement by both Churchill Gilbert and Dawn Lacobucci lies in the simplicity of the case-study. Being a widely comprehended story, its understandability goes unquestioned. With good understanding, the interpretation follows with ease. On the same note the authors provide readers with a wide variety of professionalism which is exemplified using the Bellboy case-study.In the aut hor’s view, this is the best case scenario to give a reader a full comprehension of the subjects under discussion. Through the use of a highly comprehensible case-study, the authors take readers through nearly all stages of successful marketing and even more conveniently how to make them all work in practical marketing. Gilbert Churchill and Dawn Lucobbaci provide the reader with both theoretical and analytical works. The simplistic case-study, the Bell boy clearly indicates how the study gives basic ideas in some areas.Here too, the marketing researcher is provided with all insight with the requirements of the mathematical skills for the market researcher. By being thorough in explanations of concepts and ideas-both simple and complex, the student or learner is saved from extremes of abstract assumptions and misleading generalizations. The Bellboy case though simplistic in appearance helps the learner to develop creativity and analytical skills which are greatly essential to a marketing research both academic and corporate.Through the case-study the Bellboy the authors bring to focus articles across a broad range of marketing specialties, including consumer behavior, others such as retail tracking, merchandising, retailers and even analytics. The case study The Bellboy brings into clear focus high quality, theoretical and applied research in the areas of marketing and market research. The case study highlights academically oriented research work often focusing in on market orientation and even counter analysis.The analysis provided by the authors provides tips which would provide marketing research-based debates on market topics such as customer retention methods, product comparison and customer satisfaction. The importance of this case study; the Bellboy, cannot be overemphasized as put across by the authors. In a general view, this case provides us with information, intelligence on competition and market research as well as industry trends. Therefore , this is a most appropriate case-study in terms of relevance and objectivity.The text has undergone too much transition that some of original ideas may have acquired new dimensions. To a reader who is new, the case-study may be limiting in the sense that the additional ideas may not have existed in earlier editions. Across all the nine editions, there is a noticeable variation in the way the Bellboy Case is evaluated. This means therefore that a first time reader of a particular edition would miss out on ideas in another edition which he/she is not acquainted with. The Bellboy Case does not look very convincing with regard to some specific topics dealt with in the text.There lacks direct relevance between the topic Role of Marketing and the selected case-study Bellboy. This particular limitation can be cited in several other sub-topics including: Problem Formulation, in the introductory part one. Descriptive and Causal Research Designs in Part two, Standardized Marketing Informatio n in part three. Designing the Questionnaire or Observation Form and The Basics of Measurements all from part three. The simultaneous analysis of multiple variables in part five reveals some remote relevance to the Bellboy case study in part six of the text.Other limitation besides the one of relevance is the overuse of the particular case-study. Though creative and at the same time entertainment, this particular problem of overuse leads to an adventurous reader to a limitation of scope when it comes variety. A good reader no doubt feels limited in the choice of examples used. To some readers the Bellboy Case of what happened to the dollar as given by Churchill and Dawn may appear frivolities and therefore fail to exude the necessary seriousness intended by the authors of the text.In his review of the text, (Brown, 2005) is lf the opinion That being too specific in the use of the Bellboy Case Study limits the number of professionals who can use the book to mostly only trained resear chers are opposed to a general readership or the business community. A reader may question the up-to-date coverage of topics intended by the authors with regards to the Bellboy Case Study. The new or later editions of the text which have expounded information on topic which include sample size issues, forecasted sales and the usefulness of the use of internet may end up confusing the readers as opposed to giving them guidelines.Realizing the Bellboy Case as presented here one at guiltily feels the authors ought to have given several other case studies as a way of justifying their arguments on these topics. As it is a reader and especially one with market research background often feels grieved to only on idea of reference; Bellboy Case Study. At the beginning of the case study, makes a general assumption that most readers are acquainted with Bellboy story. This is generally a wrong assumption since quite to the contrary a good number of marketing research readers may have a problem getting acquainted with the case study.Though this may seem like an easy to overcome limitation, as good authors they should have taken the trouble of classifying to the readers the over told story. Lacking in direct connection too is the relevance of the Bellboy Case to one of the topics given much emphasis. One generally get the opinion that the bellboy case being too general was put out of reference for some extensively covered references such as the use of the intensive in marketing research. The Bellboy Case Study as used in the text leaves the reader and especially a marketing research professional with some unclarified ideas about several of the covered topics.For instance in the topics theoretical applied research in marketing and other areas such as consumer behavior. On the same note discussions on consumer profiles purchasers and retail consolidation effects should have benefited more from the Bellboy case study since one can almost draw direct connection after clearly an alyzing the story. The problem here is that the authors delegated more emphasis on the expository parts of the discussion, leaving this latter one which is equally important shallowly covered. The same problem can be cited on other topics.Such as the discussion on exhaling and analyzing product and market before action taking in market leadership. Weighing both the limitations and strengths of the Bellboy case as used by authors Gilbert A. Churchill and Dawn Lacobucci, one comes to the conclusion that only a good book can exude such a variation of opinionated reviews. Given that the Bellboy case is a fairly well comprehended story the world over, it becomes appropriate in the sense that the business community has a fallback reference point from which views and opinions can be drawn on practical market ideas and opinions.Clearly, the role of marketing research is investigated extensively by the authors leaving a marketing researcher and especially a beginning on with little to grappl e with if any. From tutors point of view the Bellboy case study provides a great teaching aid and resource in explaining marketing research and methodological foundations. The extensive treatment presents a high level in discussion professional codes of conduct and ethics on the part of both authors.All the topics handled in the book presents on acceptable level of relevance to practical marketing an more so the manner in which the authors bring in the Bellboy case study to act as a fall back point of reference for the entire coverage. Most noticeable however are questions one cannot avoid after deciphering the case study especially as used to expound on the usefulness of the internet as a tool of marketing. The question of whether or not the product or service will work online is inevitable. The question of the type and volume of market (product and service) information to include also arises.Coupled with this, the best venue for a product also poses an appropriate question to a ma rket researcher. Finally on this topic the issue of how one should collect the returns – monetary or otherwise becomes paramount. The internet as such becomes an important tool of marketing according to Churchill and Dawn. Here, emphasis is mostly laid on marketing research and information intelligence and sourcing in the internet as tools of marketing. As to the limitations cited here about this particular text, they only remain weaknesses as far as the bellboy case-study is concerned.Viewed in the light of another angle or perspective they could be strengths. It is also important to note here that both Churchill and Dawn have given marketing research and methodological foundations a new dimension and freshness often lacking in many other such texts dealing with especially marketing research. It is finally important to note that every thing has two sides and the strength or weakness only comes in when the pointer is focused on only one of the two sides. Reference Churchill/A . G. Locaabucci, D. (2004). Marketing Research: Methodological Foundation. London, Mason Publishers.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Methods of Evangelism Essay
The Intellectual Method of Evangelism referred to as â€Å"The Four Spiritual Laws†is best known as the widely used way of evangelism used by the popular college ministry known as Campus Crusade and was first published in 1957 by founder, Bill Bright in a pamphlet titled Have You heard of the four Spiritual Laws? In this publication, Bright simplifies the truths of the Gospel in an attempt to reach as many people as possible. What are known as Biblical truths are delivered as spiritual laws in order to assist people to recognize that just as we are governed by man’s laws on earth, there are also spiritual laws that govern the relationship between God and man. The four spiritual laws are: 1) God loves you; 2) Man is sinful and separated from God; 3) Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin and 4) We must individually receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. (Bright, 2007) There are some very obvious advantages in using this method of evangelism. It is s imple and easy to follow and it starts off on a very positive note by explaining God’s love for mankind rather than addressing the sinful state that all of mankind is in before accepting Christ. Each point also has Scripture references to emphasis or proves that the laws are from God himself. The Four Spiritual Laws has been wildly successful in winning souls for Christ and the publication itself has sold over one hundred million copies and has been translated into all the major languages of the world making it a readily available resource for an evangelism tool. (Moo, 2002) There are however several disadvantages in choosing to use this method of evangelism. By electing to start these laws out on a positive note and addressing God’s love for mankind first instead of the sinfulness and our need of a Savior, one may get the false impression that he does not need to be saved. In addition with the references to scripture being taken out of context of could easily misunderstand the true meaning. One such example would be the first law, â€Å"God loves you†and the referenced Scripture John 3:16 and John 10:10. While God does love everyone, these Scriptures taken out of context fail to show that it is God’s nature and one of His attributes to love us. And the recipient of the word may not understand that a loving God will still judge people for their worldly sins. The main concern with the Four Spiritual Laws is that although this pamphlet although Biblically correct mentions that a person can receive Christ through prayer. Prayer alone is not how you receive Christ. Prayer combined with Faith is what it takes to have a true conversion. (Robert H. Mounce, The Book of Revelation Revised, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1977, 113.) Servant Evangelism The Relational Method of Evangelism referred to as Servant Evangelism is based on the ideal that Christians are to reach others by love, compassion and service while embracing a kind heart and a generous attitude along with a loving smile. The motivation that fuels servant evangelism is Jesus, himself especially when he was speaking to His disciples from the scriptures in Matthew Chapter 25 where he tell them that they are to feed the hungry, cloth and shelter the homeless, take care of the sick and visit those in prison as if they were serving Jesus. Servant evangelism is more about ‘doing’ the message of the Gospel than speaking it and drawing people to Christ through those actions. (Tarjanyi, 2013) There are some strong advantages to this sort of evangelism as the perception that non-Christians may have of Christianity may be altered and they may be more willing to remember a more positive image rather than negative one. The focus shifts to the selfless acts of compas sion and service they see these Christians performing in the name of Jesus. Many non-believers that witness Christians performing acts of service are very willing to acknowledge that there must be some other power that drives the Christian to do so. This opening can lead as an avenue to lead a person to Christ. On the other hand, by meeting the physical needs of a lost person and not addressing what may be causing those needs (which could easily be a sinful nature), one may run a risk of never reaching that individual for Christ. This is a definite disadvantage of servant evangelism. At all times, the servant must remain focused just like Jesus did and always turn the needs towards God and draw those in need to the real answer to all their needs. It can become very easy to get consumed with meeting needs and lose focus of the true mission which is to lead people a step closer to God. Evangelism Explosion Evangelism Explosion is a method of evangelism in which the leaders indicate that their principles are drawn directly from the Bible. This method is highly organized and is designed around the focal point â€Å"training those won to the Lord to win, and train, others†. (Davis, 2010) the technique utilizes a series of direct confrontational questions which emphasize a key point of the Gospel and the non-Christian is challenged to respond. Questions like, â€Å"Do you know for sure you are going to be with God in Heaven†or â€Å"If God asked you , ‘Why should God let you into Heaven?’ what would you say†are posed and the goal is to get the non-believer to open their mind and heart up to the Gospel message. There is a two-fold advantage to this approach of evangelism. First, this type of evangelism can place a direct challenge on the Christian to become more active in their own community and this aspect of evangelism makes Christians become very good at communicating the Gospel message effectively. The second advantage is that this approach directly confronts the non-believer with their sinful state and refuses to allow them any way to escape the salvation message. The non-Christian cannot dismiss Jesus as their moral teacher. They are left to decide if they will accept Him as Savior. The disadvantages of this confrontational method are also two-fold. Some may say that these sorts of trainings can become too rehearsed and sound memorized and scripted instead of from the heart. This may turn a non-Christian off to hearing the Gospel. The other issue is that the high pressure nature of the question and answer session may produce false converts. The process of going through a premeditated dialogue can leave much open to be criticized by many. Application of These Methods to Your Own Life The method of evangelism that works best for me is Servant Evangelism. Although I do see that there may be several responsibilities that are also attached to this approach, this is the best way that I have been able to be the actual hands and feet of Jesus to a lost and hurting world that may otherwise not be open to hearing the Gospel message. After reading and researching many of the other techniques, I find that servanthood best suits me. As we read in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12, God gifts us each uniquely. I feel that the service is a gift. Not everyone can serve with a grateful heart. Servant Evangelism is how the Lord reached me and I am sure that impact is part of the reason I have such a deep connection to this technique. Matthew 25 has been adopted as my family’s scripture verse and is the basis of our family mission statement. I was once a ‘least of these’ and I will never forget how the Lord reached down and saved me. Telling people about what God is doing in my life is the greatest joy I have ever found. For the people God has placed in my life, servant evangelism is the perfect way to ‘show’ them the Gospel message. I am an active member of an international prison ministry. Time and time again, I have heard the participants on our retreats say that â€Å"people just don’t do these things†. I also get the privilege of serving special needs children and adults as well as traveling with a ministry that visits churches that are in conflict or struggling and every time the people see the people of God come together to serve, not out of our own power but from God’s power. It makes a great impact on many lives. I could not imagine living a life that was not in service to others. References BIBLIOGRAPHY Beale, G.K. The Book of Revelation. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999. The new Greek Testament Commentary. Bright, Bill. Have You Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? Peachtree City: Campus Crusade, 2007. Davis, James D. â€Å"THE BASICS OF EVANGELISM EXPLOSION.†Sun Sentinel 25 June 2010 (updated): 4D. Judy, Tarjanyi. â€Å"Simple Acts of ‘Servant Evangelism’ Create Atmosphere for Church Growth.†Austin American Statesman 8 April 1995: E.1. CMG Corporate Services, Inc of behalf of itself and the Newspapers. Moo, Douglas J. Encountering the Book of Romans: A Theological Survey. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2002.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Advantages Of Social Media
Advantages Of Social Media Connections. You are friends with people who have other friends, and so on. By using a social networking site, you can do what you can and get connected with these people to form a web of connections that can give you leverage if you play your cards right. Breadth of Knowledge -connectedness that students can experience through social media use. It is now easier than ever to know (or find out) something about almost anything in the world through connected media. Additionally, students can be connected to a broader base of opinions and world views through instantaneous global connections. Technological Literacy – All social media relies on advanced information and communication technologies that seamlessly work to build and support technological literacy.. Worldwide Connectivity, No matter if you are searching for that former college roommate, your first grade teacher, or an international friend, there is no easier or faster way to make a connection than via the social network . Although Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace are probably the most well known social networking communities, there are new websites popping up regularly that are dedicated to allowing people to connect and to interact via the Internet. These connections can help one with a variety of things such as: Finding romance, Seeking a new job, Locating assistance, Getting and giving product and service referrals, Receiving support from like-minded individuals, Making or receiving advice on career or personal issues. In many ways, social communities are the virtual equivalent of meeting at the general store or at church socials to exchange news and get updated on friends and families.. Commonality of Interest, When you opt to participate in a social network community, you can pick and choose those individuals whose likes and dislikes are similar to yours and build your network around those commonalities.You can meet with your friends anytime you have an Internet connection and whenever you find them online. Real-Time Information Sharing, Many social networking sites incorporate an instant messaging feature, which means you can exchange information in real-time via a chat. This is a great feature for teachers to use to facilitate classroom discussions.In addition, the Internet is the ultimate online textbook. Students no longer need to take out six library books at a time. Much of what they need to know they can find online. Free Advertising, Whether you are non-profit organization who needs to get the word out about your upcoming fundraiser or a business owner marketing a new product or service, there’s no better way to get your message in front of millions of people 24/7. The best part is it that you can spread the word through social networking profiles for free. Increased News Cycle Speed, Social networking has revolutionized the speed of the news cycle. Many news organizations now partner with social networking sites like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook in order to both collect and share information. One can get a sense of what is going on in the world just by watching trending topics from many of these sites. This has led to the development of a near instantaneous news cycle as millions of social networking updates rapidly spread news and information.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Social Media and Marketing mix Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Social Media and Marketing mix - Assignment Example Some argue that social media marketing is a replica of the word of mouth marketing since people like the contents and share the information with friends thus increasing visits to the social network site. The change brought about by social media in marketing has seen the success of companies like Netflix whose presence is not only felt in the UK but also worldwide. For business entities to consider social media as an effective marketing tool, they must understand what the concept entails. Gordon (2014) suggests that the definition of social media is never complete without reference to Web 2.0 that has been defined as the new way through which people use the World Wide Web as place that continually alters contents to allow sharing in a collaborative way. The Web 2.0 came about or evolved from simple tasks of retrieving information to more complex functions like interoperability, interactivity, and collaboration. By definition, social media a collective term for internet based applications whose basis come from technological and ideological foundations of the Web 2.0 to allow creation as well as exchange user content (Brennan, & Croft, 2012). According to Brennan, & Croft (2012) social media are basically software tools that make it possible to create user specific content which they can share. For a website to meet specifications of a social network, it must have content, user profiles, method for connecting users and posting comments and also provisions for joining virtual groups of common interests like politics, fashion, or religion (Gordon, 2014). Also, there is always confusion between the terms social media and social media networks though the latter allows users to unite through generation of personal or private information profiles where the users can invite their friends to access the profiles (Sashi, 2012). Therefore, a more discreet definition of social media is that; social media is an environment where social networking occurs and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How to frame a picture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How to frame a picture - Essay Example This paper then aims to guide a person who wants to frame his picture in order to make it more attractive. First and foremost, one has to choose the picture he wants to use depending on his inclinations, interests or available materials. When you already decided on the picture to use, collect other materials necessary for the project. You may choose to use wood or metal for the frame. Look for a wooden board in which to mount your picture. In case you do not have any wooden board, you can recycle from hard shoe boxes or similar materials. The sizes of these things will be based on the size of the picture and whether you decide to add borders or not. If you want to emphasize the beauty of your picture and keep it simple, you may take a wooden board that is in proportion to the size of the picture. The wood/metal which will be used on the sides of the picture should be cut to the desired sizes that perfectly fit the pictures. Of course you have to add a few inches to the length of the wood and the frames if you decide to add borders to the picture and their dimensions will depend on the me asurements of the picture and the borders. In addition, you will need glue sticks, a glue gun, glue, glass which is of the same size as the wooden board, felt paper or other similar materials for the borders and screws if you decide on the wooden frame. In choosing the color of your border, select one that complements prominent color of the picture. When you have all of your materials, you can now begin framing your picture. Cut the picture to the desired size and mount it on the wooden board, making sure that it has the same allowance for the borders. You may cut the felt paper or material of your choice to create beautiful designs for the border, measuring to cover the space on the wooden board. Glue them on the sides of the picture. When the picture is ready, you now position the glass on top of the mounted picture. Make sure to clean
Monday, August 26, 2019
Alzheimer's disease Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Alzheimer's disease - Research Paper Example As of 2006, there were 26.6 million Alzheimer’s sufferers in the world; it is predicted that roughly one in every eighty-five people will suffer from Alzheimer’s by the year 2050 (â€Å"Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet†). There is no definite cause of Alzheimer’s. Many scientists believe that the disease can be caused by genetics, environment, and lifestyle, though even these have not been definitely pinpointed. It is believed that whatever it is that does cause Alzheimer’s gradually happens over a long period of time, especially if the aforementioned factors are part of the cause of the disease. However, the effect that the disease has on the brain tissue, the starting point of the catalyst for the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, is very clear. The disease damages and kills brain cells and the brain tissue deteriorates. Since doctors and scientists have been unable to determine the exact cause of the disease, they instead focus on what happens before and after a person has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. There are two types of neuron damage that have been seen most in people with Alzheimer’s: plaques and tangles. Plaques are masses of a normally harmless protein known as beta-amyloid that has the ability to interfere with communication between brain cells (Feng et al). The abnormal processing of this protein has shown to effect functions of the brain. Tangles involve the protein known as tau. This protein is important for the brain to function properly, but when they undergo alterations they become twisted. During the twisting, the neurons become damaged, causing them to die. When these two proteins react the way they do, they slow down or completely destroy vital components of the brain, thus negatively effecting the functioning of the brain and the memory. Another possible cause of Alzheimer’s is a breakdown of myelin in the brain, an event that usually takes place as a person gets older. When myelin breaks down, there
MEDICINAL COURSEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
MEDICINAL COURSEWORK - Essay Example It is against this background that it is necessary that third party disease fighting defenses be introduced. Through chemistry and medicine, the commonest form of third party or external disease fighting defense that has been given to the human body has been by the use of drugs or what is commonly known as medicine. Depending on the disease that a person is battling, different drugs are introduced. One typical drug that has been very keen in body disease defenses is Omeprazole, having the been useful in the treatment of a host of diseases including dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease among others (Hassan-Alin et al, 2001). With a market name of Losec, Omeprazole comes in several forms including tablets and capsules. In this essay, a very detailed chemistry analysis is made of the drug with an aim of trying to understand the medicinal value of the drug, background to the diseases that the drug treats, functionality of the drug, as well as an evaluation of how the drug performs its chemical roles in the human body. Disease Omeprazole is used to treat Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Omeprazole has been found to be suitable in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known as GORD or GERD (Lagerstrom and Persson, 1984). Gastro-oesophageal reflux is more of a medical condition, which involves the abnormal relaxation of the lower part of the oesophageal sphincter in such as way that easily allows the back flow or reflux of the stomach’s acidic content into the gullet (Andersson, 1991). It will be noted that the stomach’s acidic content has its special role that it plays in the stomach and has special compartments within the stomach specially designed to contain it (Hassan-Alin et l, 2000). For this reason, if the acidic content flows into undesignated places like the gullet, it causes uncomfortable reactions to patients involved. In most cases, it is the muscular ring found beneath the oesophagus that gets malfunctioning, resulting in the abnormal relaxation. Smoking and drinking, as well as heavy eating are all associated with the disease (Cederberg, Heggelund and Lundborg, 1991) and it comes with symptoms such as burning sensation in upper abdomen, sour taste of acid reflux in the mouth, excess belching and difficulty in breathing for some patients (Edvardsson, Heggelund and Lundborg, 1990). Fig. 1: A Person suffering from heartburns Source: Henderson, 2012 Peptic ulcers Peptic ulcer is a bacterial disease that involves damages to areas of the mucosa, commonly referred to as the inner lining of the stomach (Andersson et al, 1993). It would be noted that ulcers are generally wounds or open damages that affects various parts of the human body. Once such ulcers occur in the upper part of the intestine, also known as the duodenum or the mucosa of the stomach, peptic ulcer is said to have resulted. Peptic ulcers are commonly associated with the Heli cobacter pylori, which causes the ulcer in the identified spots of the stomach. As far as peptic ulcers are concerned, it is important that people know their state of risk to the disease so that they can moderate most of their intake contents including smoke, alcohol, some food and some medicine. This is because these intake contents have the potential of worsening risk of contracting the disease (Miners, Veronese and Birkett, 1994). Hitherto, it is advised that
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Television and family circle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Television and family circle - Essay Example This essay seeks to examine family circles in relation to humanity’s appreciation of use of the television. As a point of departure, the media, television included characterizes the modern world in every aspect. It is from this point of view, an argument on the impacts of media of the family circles is founded (Sari and Shay, 11). At the first installation of the TV waves, back in 1950s. Most families thronged at the supplier’s centers provided the services. Almost seven decades down the line, the TV plays a critical role in humanity’s life (Annie, 7). The aspect of family circles will be undertaken from two perspectives, which include relationship between parents and relationship between parents (husband and wife), and their children. This consideration is critical for this study because the family circle is based on the members of the family who include the parents and children. The aspect of unity and division along the family circles is a primary consideratio n. Family circle based on the relationship between parents Parents form the stem of the family from which otter members sprout. The family is the foundation of a society. All the societal virtual and vices are closely correlated to the virtues and vices of family members because the very members form the society. Initially, the TV was an instrument that united a family brought understanding and consequent societal harmony (Annie, 7). Over time now, that the social media instruments is playing roles as directed by those in the pedal. Programs that promoted morality, unity, dignity and other virtues have slowly declined and replaced by violent and crime oriented movies. In essence, every form of immorality is increasing each day with predetermined movies aired in our TVs. This implies that, there is a need for regulation or selection of programs to watch. As the televisions have come to absorb numerous socializing purposes of the family, they have provided us images of the family, whi ch may act as benchmarks by which we measure our own experiences. The seductively pragmatic portrayals of a family life in the wake of Television era may be the basis for our most popular and pervasive (Spigel, 75). The images such as violence, divorce, alcoholism and abuse seen in most families is a clear reflection of the mass media produced and distributed images shaped in a manner constrained by other features of the media world. They stems from the institutional needs, policies and interests of major needs. This implies that the primary media centers in a country can air what they deem moral right in their own facet, but in the real sense, they are immoral and preach division amongst the families who watch such programs (Spigel, 76). Gender based violence against women is a product of the media and the TV in particular. In the world of mass media, men exceed women by a ratio of seventy-five percentage to twenty-five percentage. This fact alone makes the world of primary media a s â€Å"man’s world†in which much action rotates around matters of power. This world is mostly governed by violent demonstrations of power characterized by the traditional emblematic platforms of authority and control, which naturally outside of home and family. Although, most of the violence occurs at homes, the familial setting does not lend itself to the societal communication of violence. Home and family
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Communication between couples of different ethnicitys Term Paper
Communication between couples of different ethnicitys - Term Paper Example Since the communication is considered to be an important part of our everyday lives, therefore, interpersonal communication is equally important for the interpersonal relationships, for which communication is considered as lifeblood. Without considerable communication, relationships cannot flourish at any stage (Kalbfleisch, Interpersonal Communication: Evolving Interpersonal Relationship). However, the interpersonal communication becomes more complex between couples of different ethnicities. In this paper, to discuss the interpersonal communication between couple from different ethnicities, two articles have been discussed. The first article is by Harris and Kalbfleisch (2001); which discusses the attraction of different ethnic groups towards each other. The article also explains that while dating, the individuals keep in view the ethnic background of the partner and select their communication strategies accordingly. The second article is by Claborne and Duan (2011) which discusses the mate selection in intercultural marriages. The researcher claims that with positive link of communication between couples, a balanced relationship can be attained. On the basis of these discussed articles, the conclusion for this paper has been made accordingly. Articles ARTICLE 1: In the article, ‘Interracial Dating: the Implications of Race for Initiating a Romantic Relationship’ by Harris and Kalbfleisch (2001), the research shows that mostly the couples from different ethnicities are attracted towards each other because of similar values and interest. Few of them are attracted due to the physical appearance of their counterpart, and the rest of them because of their physiological makeup. The paper predicts the future of interracial dating to be very bright, as the population of the U.S. will consist primarily of people of the colour. This will increase the interpersonal contact between different ethnicities, thus the ratio of their relationship will also rise. T he paper discusses the role of communication in the interracial romantic relationship. The paper presents six factors by Orbe that influence the co-cultural communication. The factors include: the preferred outcome for the relationship; the lived experience of co-cultural group members; abilities that refer to personal skills at using different communication practices; situational context involving the setting; perceived cost and reward involved in the co-cultural communication; and communication approaches to choose the appropriate communication strategy. Similarly Adler and Towne (2003) discuss the identity needs of the humans and explain that the sense of identity only comes from the interaction with others. Under this situation, the results of the paper conclude that the race of a potential romantic relational partner directly affects the verbal strategies that a person uses to initiate the date. It was also stated that due to the attitude about the interracial relationships, th e participants purposely choose verbal strategies. Showing that, to fulfil their identity needs, the partners adopt different strategies that help them continue the communication between them. ARTICLE 2: The other paper is ‘Interaction in Intercultural Marriage’ by Claborne and Duan (2010). The paper discusses the expectancy in the communication and culture. The paper says that cultures are extremely complex and consist of a number of interrelated cultural orientations. Thus, the expectancy valences can
Friday, August 23, 2019
CRIMINAL DISCUSS 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CRIMINAL DISCUSS 7 - Essay Example For a defendant to be considered a person with diminished capacity, they must demonstrate a reduced mental capacity. This could be from a disease, mental retardation or substance abuse. Anything that keeps the person from determining right from wrong can be a cause for diminished capacity ( In order to prepare a legal defense for a person suffering from diminished capacity, I would begin with documenting the cause for the diminished capacity. If the defendant was a steroid user, I would create a history or steroid use. How long have they been taking them? Where did they come from? Why did they start using them? I would then research the possible effects of steroid use in order to prove that steroids can affect a person’s mental capacity. Once this has been researched, I would connect the effects of steroids and the person’s crime together to show that the defendant was not able to distinguish right from wrong during the time of the crime. I would have to prove that the defendant was experiencing the effects of steroids at the time of the crime. It would also be pertinent to have an expert on the effects of steroids as a defense witness during the trial process. As the paralegal on the case, I would research experts in the field in order to select the best one based on the defendant’s crime. In terms of diminished capacity, I think there should be two different levels. One is for people who truly have a mental issue such as developmental delays or mental retardation and one level for those who choose to purposefully alter their mental state by using substances. I agree that if a person has a diminished capacity due to something that has altered their state of mind, they should still be convicted. I also like the idea that they will be convicted of a lesser crime. That seems fair to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
School Life Essay Example for Free
School Life Essay It’s a normal day 6:30 in the morning just as any other. Then BOOM my alarm clock goes off to wake my brother and I up to get ready for school, but this was all put to the side by our mother coming in to the room telling us that she would have to work a few extra hours. Wake your but up! Is what I yelled to my brother as I had always did he consistently showed himself to be the lazy one who would just breeze through life without a care in the world. He replied back with the bad morning breath, â€Å"Leave, me, alone its only 6:30 school doesn’t start until 7:30. †Me as usual I got up pulled him out of bed until he hit the floor then started my routine to get ready for the day’s events. Oh yeah my name is Gerard by the way. I carried myself across the dimly lit hall towards the bathroom. As I flicked on the light switch, I first noticed this hair pick still stuck in the side of my head. I immediately grabbed it and started to fix my hair. As I stand in front of the mirror looking back at my own reflection, wondering why, does school start this early in the morning, I grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste and began to a make it happen. My brother’s name is Joel, and he could care less of his appearance, because he always thought that he was God’s gift to the ladies. Most of his attire consisted of whatever he felt like grabbing out of the closet or the first thing he could get his hands on. He didn’t care if he was all wrinkled, his excuse was that they’ll be gone throughout the day plus now one would notice them anyway because that’s how he rolled. You would have thought that he just came from summer camp playing rugby with a few of his friends before school started. As he came into the bathroom besides me to wash up and get ready, I could always here him saying thanks for getting me up too, knowing that being the older sibling I couldn’t just let him be late for school besides our mother would have killed me. As I look at the clock I notice that we are right on schedule, its 7:00 and time to wake my sister Latoya, she’s in middle school and does not experience the rush that my brother and I go thru being that the two of us share a room and sometimes wrestle to get around to what we need to be done. The time is now 7:10, and it’s time for us to leave the house headed for school since we live only a quarter of a mile away from the school we can pretty much toss a couple of rocks a few times and we’re there. The only downside is that sometimes we get too complacent living so close to the school that we end up thinking there’s more time and end up cutting it close to getting to class on time or worse being late and end up with detention. As we get to school they are still selling breakfast its usually something simple like garlic cheesy bread or the cinnamon sugar rolls that are so delicious. But we cannot stand in line and enjoy them today because the first school bell rings and that signifies things need to get closed out and you need to put your thinking caps on. As we exited the cafeteria it was 7:25 and the start of the school day and the final bell rings at 1:50. Joel and I always knew that we would see each other at our lunch period odd as it seems I was a senior and he was a sophomore, but hey, that’s how the schedules came out. We couldn’t control the outcomes of what we wanted to do we could always find some sort of time to throw a wise crack at one another.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Dead Man Walking Essay Example for Free
Dead Man Walking Essay When a criminal is constantly nagged and abused, condemned and ostracized by society, he turns into a viler and bitter individual. The inner core of every human being is essentially divine, even that of the worst villain. It just needs to be revealed to him to help him align himself with his true personality. This process is inner revelation. . It is only the blazing fire of Divine Knowledge that can illumine him from within. This instrumentality of Divine Knowledge can make him a worthy individual and citizen. This being the truth, one finds it difficult to agree with Gregory Baum that religion is often ambiguous in its effect on society. He further asserts that religion can be used to justify unjust social circumstances. Such possibility occurs when the tenets of religion are misunderstood and implemented wrongly. Misapplications will produce unfavorable results. Moreover, the interpretations of moral and ethical values need to be molded as per the demands of the time, and the prevailing social conditions. Poverty is the one big reason due to which an individual takes to the path of crime. The rich have a role to play here. â€Å"†¦the message to the rich is that they must be intelligent enough from time to time to help the poor, because this is the way by which they will become richer still. †(4) Sister Helen Prejean, author Dead Man Walking takes the right stand on social issues, presently capital punishment, and thus serves the true cause of Catholic Church. What is it to undergo the death penalty†¦. The best part of the death is the surprise element of it. But in case of legal death penalty, the suffering begins from day one the arrest of the individual, and when the realization dawns on him that he is liable for death penalty. He hopes against hopes that he will survive somehow. The suffering gradually increases, till that stunning moment when he is finally sentenced to death. Then he â€Å"would wait and weep and wear out. †(8) The condemned one begins to die at every moment thereafter. Patrick Sonnier, who had killed two teenagers, was one such individual. Now there are five parties concerned in the final scene of the drama of execution. The condemned prisoner, his family, the State, the Prison Administration and the men whose job is to execute the prisoner to snuff out his life! In 1982, Sister Helen Prejean became the spiritual advisor to Patrick Sonnier, months before his death in the electric chair of Louisianas Angola State Prison. The ‘battle’ between the spiritual principles and the ‘State Killing’ of a man with the God-given soul commenced. Christianity stands for love and pardon. The Catholic nun condemns capital punishment on moral grounds. An imperfect society doesn’t own the right to award death penalty. Many serious crimes are committed in a state of momentary anger. Has death penalty put an end to murders and rapes? The remedy to arrest the trend of heinous crimes lays elsewhere. Helen Prejean’s book is topical and it has international importance. Another startling and well-substantiated revelation in the book is poor African-Americans in the â€Å"Death Belt’ are most likely to be executed. If their crimes are against whites, the chances of death penalty are even more. Sociologists-where are you? What do you think of this serious anomaly? â€Å"Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. †(1) You have no right to extinguish the life which you have not kindled. This book saw the light of the day under strange circumstances. Prejean writes, â€Å"When Chava Colon from the Prison Coalition asks me one January day in 1982 to become a pen pal to a death-row inmate, I say, Sure. The invitation seems to fit with my work in St. Thomas, a New Orleans housing project of poor black residents. Not death row exactly, but close. Death is rampant here-from guns, disease, and addiction. Medical care scarcely exists. †(Prejean, 1994, p. 3) The third and the fourth sentences of the book in chapter 1, give firm indications about the fertile ground for the crimes. Prejean is a Catholic Nun. She is asked to be associated with an about-to-be-hanged criminal. How Divine Forces will tackle the Satan? Her first mental reaction was, â€Å"I wonder what I can say to this man. What will he have to say to me? †(Prejean 1994, p. 4)Now the question is how the Catholic Church and social reformation and rehabilitation of the poor and the downtrodden are compatible. The practical problem is, â€Å"The mandate to practice social justice is unsettling because taking on the struggles of the poor invariably means challenging the wealthy and those who serve their interests. †Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable-thats what Dorothy Day, a Catholic social activist said is the heart of the Christian gospel. 1 (Prejean 1994, p. 5) Rabindranath Tagore writes, â€Å"thou keepest company with the companionless among the poorest, the lowliest, and the lost. †(2) â€Å"These are poor societies which have too little, but where is the rich society that says, â€Å"Halt! We have enough! †(5) But when religion develops an agenda to tackle the social problems, several practical situations come to the fore. Social issues are interlinked to politics and economics. Nuns are not social workers in the pure sense, they are religious preachers. They are there to tell you about your personal relationship with God, kindness to others, inner peace and the promised heaven, at the end of this life. Politics is not a respected ‘profession’ in any country of the world. Religious preachers are ill-equipped to deal with the segments of administration like, bureaucracy, police, politics and judiciary. The continuous interaction is difficult, for every church-going individual may have one problem or the other Sister Marie Augusta Neal, S. N. D. deN, set her thinking straight and changed her perception, as for remaining on the side of poor. She quoted the religious authority for her stand. She was s sociologist. She argued how fighting for the glaring inequalities in the world and the religious preaching needs to work together. Apolitical does not mean that you have to side with oppression. For every argument of Prejean, she had well-founded counter arguments, based on religious revelations of Lord Jesus. The Gospels record that Jesus preached good news to the poor, she said, and an essential part of that good news was that they were to be poor no longer. â€Å"Which meant they were not to meekly accept their poverty and suffering as Gods will, but, instead, struggle to obtain the necessities of life which were rightfully theirs. †(Prejean, 1994 p. 6. â€Å"Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might. (3) Conclusion: Reading more religious texts is not the solution to the vexed problems of the day, including crimes, â€Å"More education can help us only if it produces more wisdom. †(6). Religious tenets are the revelations of the Perfect Masters (Divine Personalities or Realized Souls), so there is no question of ambiguities in them. Ambiguities are in our understanding. Gregory Baum is one such individual. Mind-level thinking fails to understand the revelations of the souls which have transcended the mind-barrier. In that level it is perfection all around. Initially, Prejean had problems of understanding the religious tenets. As would be seen from the passages analyzed above, she was able to cross that confusing barrier of the mind, and then her religion began to inspire her to secure social and spiritual justice and she realized that fight for social justice is the divine ordained duty! It is the highest spiritual demand! Adhering to religious principles doesn’t mean that you need to suffer in poverty, â€Å"where he pattern of living and working are not only profoundly unsatisfactory but also in a process of accelerating decay. †(7) This decay leads to serious crimes. References: Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account Of The Death Penalty In The United States: by Helen Prejean (Author) Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Vintage; 1st Vintage Books edition (May 31, 1994) ISBN-10: 0679751319 ISBN-13: 978-0679751311 Tagore, Rabindranath . Book: Gitanjali; Macmillan Co. Ltd, London-1962. 1) P. 1, (2) P. 8, (3) P. 28, (8) p. 84 Schumancher, E. F: Book: Small is Beautiful: Publisher: Radha Krishna, Daryaganj, New Delhi (India) (4) P. 19, (5) P. 21 (6) p. 73 (7) p. 159
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Nestle Organizational Structure
Nestle Organizational Structure INTRODUCTION Nestle is a Swiss multinational nutritional and health-related consumer goods company headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. It is the largest food company in the world. Nestles products include baby food, coffee, confectionery, bottled water, breakfast cereals, dairy products, ice cream, pet foods and snacks. 29 of Nestles brands have annual sales of over 1 billion CHF (about US$ 1.1 billion), including, Nescafe, Kit Kat, Nespresso, Smarties, Nesquik, Stouffers, Vittel, and Maggi. Nestle has around 450 factories in 86 countries, and employs around 328,000 people all around the world. It is one of the main stockholders of LOreal, the worlds largest cosmetics company. Nestle was formed in 1905 by the merger of the Anglo Swiss Milk Company, established in 1866 by brothers George Page and Charles Page. The company grew significantly during the First World War and again following the Second World War, increasing its offerings beyond its early condensed milk and infant formula products. The company has made a number of corporate acquisitions, including Crosse Blackwell in 1950, Findus in 1963, Libbys in 1971, Rowntree Mackintosh in 1988 and Gerber in 2007. In 2011, Nestle was listed Number one in the Fortune Global 500 as the worlds most profitable corporation. With a market capitalization of $ 200 billion, Nestle ranked Number 13 in the FT Global 2011. (Nestle2011) Henry Nestle (1814-1890) Nestle System and Organization Structure A companys organizational chart typically demonstrates relations between people within an organization. Such relations might include managers to sub-workers, directors to managing directors, chief executive officer to various departments, and so forth. When an organization chart grows too large it can be split into smaller charts for separate departments within the organization. The different types of organization charts include: Hierarchical Matrix Flat (also known as Horizontal) Nestle Company is a decentralized organization that is organized according to the matrix structure. Nestle as a decentralized organization permits to subordinate branches to enjoy a proportionately high-level of independence. Although it still makes major strategy decisions at the headquarter level, daily operations are left up to subordinate branches to derive and perform. The responsibility for operating decisions is push down to local units (Broeckx Hooijberg 2008). In organization structure, Complex system is a system that is comprises a large number of entities that display a high level of nonlinear interactivity. There are number of basic observations that have been made through the examination of complex systems, mainly using computer simulation and the mathematic of non-linearity. (Unden 2001) Complex systems are usually open systems. Nestle, over its long historical development from a small village operation to the worlds leading food Company, has illustrate an excellent capability to adjust to an ever-changing external environment, without losing its basic beliefs and core values, so important for long-term success. Over the years to come, this capability will continue to be challenge even more as Nestle is growing in size and complexity up to a dimension, which demands a continuous development of its organisation and of the way in which it run (Christopher Yannicrumar 2008). (D.Rigby 2009) Nestle Organization Chart In Organization chart, we can see that the management of Nestle is also divided into 3 types top-level management, middle level of management and low-level management. Top Level of Management: It contains of board of directors, chief executive or managing director. The top management is the final source of authority and it manages aims and policies for an initiative. It dedicates more time on planning and coordinating functions. The role of the top management can be summarized as follows: Top management broad policies of the enterprise and lays down the objectives. It issues necessary instructions for preparation of subdivision procedures, schedules, budgets, etc. It prepares strategic policies plans for the initiative. It appoints the executive for middle level for instance departmental managers. It coordinates controls the activities of all the departments. It is also responsible for maintaining a contact with the outside world. It provides direction and guidance. The top management is also responsible towards the stockholders for the performance of the initiative. Middle Level of Management The branch managers and departmental managers constitute middle level. They are responsible to the top management for the operative of their department. They devote more time to directional and organizational functions. Their role can be highlighted as: They execute the plans of the organization in accordance with the policies and directives of the top management. They make plans for the sub-units of the organization. They participate in training employment of lower level management. They understand and explain policies from top-level management to lower level. They are also responsible for inspiring lower level managers towards better performance. Lower Level of Management Lower level is also known as operative/supervisory level of management. It contains of supervisors, superintendent section, officers etc.. Their activities include Assigning of jobs and tasks to various workers. They instruct and guide workers for day-to-day activities. They are responsible for the quality as well as quantity of production. They are also entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining good relation in the organization. They communicate workers problems, suggestions, and recommendatory appeals etc to the higher level and higher-level goals and objectives to the workers. They help to solve the complaints of the workers. (Nestle 2012) Nestle System Methodology and Objectives Nestle objectives are to be known as a world leader in Nutrition, Wellness, Health, trusted by all its stakeholders and to be referenced for financial performance in its industry. The company believes that it is not just about size, it is also about behavior; and they recognized that trust is earned only over a long period of time by systemically delivering on their promises. These objective and behaviors are summarizing in the simple phrase: Good food, Good life, a phrase that sums up the company business aspiration. The Nestle road map is intended the create alignment for workers behind the unified set of strategic priorities that will hasten the achievement of company objectives. These objective demands from workers a mixture of long-term motivation needed to build for the future and short-term business actions, delivering the necessary level of performance. The Nestle model is securing the progress today and ensuring success in future: Achieving simplicity; Investment of growth; Scale benefits; Driving performance The Nestle road map includes three main parts: Competitive advantages Growth drivers Operational pillars (Hemingway 2002) All these may define with one clear and simple chart: (Nestle 2012) Nestle has its own company in many countries. The head office in Switzerland works very closely with them, and sets the overall strategy the overall strategy, which is managed through the strategic business units and management. Geographically, Nestle three zones (Europe; the Americas; Asia; Oceania; Africa and the Middle East) work closely with the local markets. Their primary role is that enablers, acting as the voice of the headquarters. All units and zones share Nestle vision so that everyone around the world understands the direction to take and how to get there with common tools, common values and strategic. This ensure that people in a the world know how to act, and that there is a very strong frameworks of clear references and value for fast and efficient decision-making. PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES IDENTIFICATION Nestle produces hundreds of products, has a global network of suppliers, and multiple selling channel and distribution. Therefore, to respond and predict in this rapidly changing in market demand condition is very difficult. When predicting a market demand, Nestle will need information to discover shifts in demand early so they could adjust for trends and send the right messages to the suppliers, shippers, and distribution centers before they are deluge with unwanted or defective goods or shortages. (Manhattan Associates. 2010) However, every company has its weakest links, so is Nestle. The weakest links are matters they are unable to control (Labs. 2010). Firstly, the most usual problem is the sources of supply of raw materials. This is due to an unexpected and sudden increase in demand, which will cause extreme supply shortages for merchandises that will result in major price increases. For example, bad natural disaster and bad weather have always been an issue affecting incoming raw materials. Secondly, the mistakenness of orders received in record. No company can ever achieve the requirement of zero imperfections especially in foods and beverages industry. For example, when the purchasing department of Nestle ordered 15,000 of mixed yoghurt from its dealer, but what the retailer received was only 12,000 of them, or on another case they might receive lacking records. Another example is, when Nestle tells its dealer that they needed extra orders of a particular product to be shipped right away because of unpredicted increase in demand, but in fact, the supplier may already has orders from other customers. This usually happen during special occasion. (Mashabale2012) Hence, in order to solve these problems, it is critical for Nestle to engage with multiple dealers or suppliers in that specific region, so they could purchase inventories from multiple dealers, which will definitely reduction the risk of shortage due to incontrollable situation. Besides, Nestle should also base on their purchase and demand planning on last couple of years of sales to estimate current year of supply and demand. Other than that, mutual trust and strong relationship with all the dealers are needed in order to raise the flexibility of material supply management, as well as to improve the bargaining power of Nestle. However, if there is a extra, Nestle may need to plan a promotion to clear their inventories, otherwise Nestle will meeting a great loss such as waste of warehouses space, paying high material handling cost, or inventories that are not sold became defective and may need to be disposed which no profit will earn. Therefore, when there is a big event organized s uch as big Carnival. Nestle will set up a booth at the carnival to sell its products, which are close to the expiry date at lower price such as Maggi products, Nescafe, yoghurt drinks, Milo, Nestle ice creams and so on. People often buy the products in big quantity because of the lesser price than the market price. As a result, Nestle could clear their inventories rather fast and save some space in the warehouses which is a win-win situation. Thirdly, although Nestle has a logistics department but it does not deal with transportation logistics. Nestle subcontracted its supply chain transport to the third-party logistics as Nestle tries to cut their supply chain costs and to concentrate more on their in-plant operations. Although Nestle does not have, a transportation logistics department but they do have a delivery team to cooperate with the third-party logistics in routing protocol. Nestle is using a Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), which is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for use in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes. The protocol is composed of the two main mechanisms of Route Discovery and Route Maintenance, which work together to allow nodes to discover and maintain routes on-demand to arbitrary destinations in the ad hoc network. (Maltz. 2003). Therefore, the delivery team is there to help Nestle and the third party Logistic that DSR is working as per company direction as w ell as DSR performance. Then, it is the poor partnership relationship between consumer and dealership. Dealers need these capabilities because they in close partnership with manufacturers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Nestle, are a connecting hub of services for the consumers, and other stakeholders. However, Nestle solved this problem by using the Dealer Management Systems (DMS) as well as their dealers. DMS is a software solution that provides tools for managing service, sales, parts and inventory management, integration, business management, and core architecture. DMS help manufacturers and dealers create integrated marketing movements to offer inventory to goal markets. This will integrate innovations into traditional in-store sales and service processes and offer technologies for non-traditional merchandising, service and sales strategies through alternative channels for consumer engagement in-vehicle, via Web, or by phone. (Microsoft Corporation. 2008) RECOMANDATIONS FOR PLOBLEMS Afterward the reviews stated above, those were not the only solutions that are available. Nestle could acquire the inventories from the other outlets from the other region Instead of just finding or having multiple suppliers. Because some regions have different demographics, for example, race. If there is a surplus, and unable to clear the inventories at a short time, Nestle could consider donation for short-run purpose, this could help to clear the old stocks, as well as to help Nestle could use both manual and automation system in managing service, sales, and others. This is because one cannot trust wholly to a machine, as it may not be documenting the steps in its own processor. Because some steps cannot be automated and may require operator intervention to stop the escapement processing steps, even though adapting advanced technologies could help saving cost as labor cost is decrease, but if there are still problems occur, it will affect the business such as loss of customers because of the mistake. Consequently, Nestle must update the system software regularly and full utilization of available technology as well as the manual operators, which will effectively increase the efficiency and dependability of the supply chain systems. (Tallin2011) Nestle 2011, Strategy inaction, Nestle, Viewed 30th March 2013, Broeckx,P Hooijberg,R 2008,Perspective for managers, Nestle On The Move,no 158,24th March 2013, RMIT Christopher, L Yannicrumar, H 2008, New Concepts and Trends in International RD Organization, New Concepts and Trends in International RD Organization, illustrated by the example of NestlÃÆ' ©, Hahn, A 2007, Formalization in organization, Article Gratuits, Viewed 24th March 2013, Studymode 2011, Nestle Organization Structure, Viewed 30th March 2013,> The official board2011, Nestle, Viewed 9 April 2013, Hemingway 2002, The Nestle sustainability review, Nestle S.A, Public Affair .8th April 2013, Manhattan Associate2010, Planning and forecasting: Anticipate and Respond to Changes in Demand, viewed 9th April2013, Labs2010, Supply Chain Efficiency Starts at the Top, Food Engineering, Viewed 9th April2013, Mashabale2012, Nestle, Viewed 1th April 2013, Microsoft Corporation2008, Microsoft Offers the Dealer Management Solution, viewed 9th April2013, Maltz2003, The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol, Viewed 10th April2013, Tallin2011, Nestle worldwide, Tallinn university of technology , Viewed 10th April 2013,
Monday, August 19, 2019
Sun Also Rises Essay -- essays research papers
The Lost of Self "One generation passeth away, the passage from Ecclesiates began, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever. The sun also ariseh†¦"(Baker 122). A Biblical reference forms the title of a novel by Ernest Hemingway during the 1920s, portraying the lives of the American expatriates living in Paris. His own experience in Paris has provided him the background for the novel as a depiction of the 'lost generation'. Hemingway's writing career began early; he edited the high school newspaper and, after graduation, got a job as reporter on a local newspaper. After that he was turned down by the Kansas City draft boards. He wanted to get to Europe and managed to there by volunteering as an ambulance driver. After being wounded, he recalled that life slid from him, "like you'd pull a silk handkerchief out of a pocket by a corner"(Villard 53), almost fluttered away, then returned. This was a period in his life when he became 'lost' and searched to overcome his own suffering and test his courage. His experiences in finding himself provided the background for The Sun Also Rises, which is one of the most famous novel ever written about the 'lost generation'. "It is Jake's narrative, his story, but behind Jake is Hemingway, the artist, manipulating the action"(Reynolds 73). Soon after the war, Hemingway married and he with his wife moved to Paris. There his bride gave him a letter of introduction to Gertrude Stein. When they met, she commented that "You are all a lost generation," a casual remark, yet one which became world famous after Hemingway used it as an epigraph to his first major novel, The Sun Also Rises. The term 'lost generation' means a great deal to Hemingway's readers. It reflects the attitudes of the interwar generation, especially those of the literatures produced by the young writers of the time. These writers believed that their lives and hopes had been shattered by the war. They had been led down by a glory trail to death not for noble, patriotic ideas, but for the greedy, materialistic gains of the power groups. In his novels "Hemingway recorded the changes in the moral atmospheric pressure. Home, family, church and family gave this war-wounded generation no moral support. The old valuesâ€â€love, honor, duty, truthâ€â€were bankrupted by a war that systematically killed off a gener... ...hough nothing could have any consequences"(Hemingway 155). The people immensely enjoy this rare freedom throughout the week. In conclusion, Hemingway, being a part of the lost generation, accurately reflected the values of the lost generation through the portrait of the characters in The Sun Also Rises. His experiences, which was considered to be reprobate at that time, provided him the basis for writing the novel. The behavior of the characters demonstrates their view of life, casting back to how World War I changed their values through demoralization. They lived an aimless and dissipating life. They had deep doubt of self that was projected through an unending pattern of debauchery. They tended to live in here and now, while future and past seemed remote and abstract. Their identities were through their lack of ambition and ego, with a desperation born of the fear of the truth. On the other hand, they test their courage by placing themselves in dangerous situations. These systems and values are illustrated through the depiction of the characters in The Sun Also Rises, "a sad story about smashed peop le whose lives are largely beyond their own control"(Reynolds 73).
Misleading Perfume and Cologne Advertising Essay -- Advertising Market
Misleading Perfume and Cologne Advertising You sit down to watch one of your favorite TV shows one night and you see it, one of those perfume commercials. On the screen you see a beautiful woman walking up a flight of stairs in an elegant dress with diamonds hanging from her ears and neck. Her face is a picture of perfection, with a slight hint of a beautiful smile. Entering on the left of the screen is a man in a black tuxedo he; wraps his arms around her and kisses her passionately on the lips. They both look at the screen and smile. On the bottom of the screen is a small bottle marked with a label of a recognizable perfume company. Now coming back into reality from the mesmerizing commercial, consider what affect this perfume has to most of the typical consumers of this product. A consumer may wear the perfume while at a nightclub in order to attract some attention from members of the opposite sex. However relying on only the fragrance to make them attractive to others may not achieve the desired effect. Ev en though smell can be a very powerful sense, it does not affect desirability as much as we would like to think. In fact advertisers usually spend millions of dollars in order for these commercials to create ideal images for the perfume or cologne’s effect. Most cologne or perfume commercials are misleading because they try to portray an image that their scent, and their scent alone, will create effects that are often unrealistic. Some common ploys cologne and perfume company’s use are: that their product will make one feel good about themselves, make one look gorgeous and make one desirable to members of the opposite sex. Take for example the advertisements for Axe body spray, in whic... .... These commercials often portray unrealistic situations and reactions, which may mislead the consumer into believing the product will have an affect beyond the sense of smell. The most awful smelling scents could be the top selling cologne or perfume if advertised in a way to catch the attention of the audience. A recent cologne ad did a set of commercials utilizing this statement, â€Å"scent is one of the strongest ties to memory how do you want to be remembered?†This sentence is evidence that the advertisers are trying to make you think that if you buy their product you will be remembered any time that someone smells anything similar to that product. Most perfume and cologne ads rely on half-truths As far as shopping for fragrances I might suggest that you go with a scent that you yourself enjoy and don’t rely on others to enforce your opinion with false advertising.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber :: Biography Biographies Essays
Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber Over the years, there have been many criminals who have eluded the authorities, but very few have been able to avoid them for as long as the infamous Unabomber did. For 17 years the Unabomer was able to reek his havoc without getting caught. In 1978, the Unabomber started sending his bombs. Only after 17 years of searching, was the Unabomber caught and charged for his crimes. Theodore (Ted) Kaczynski was arrested in April of 1996 after the investigators searched his tiny 10x12 foot cabin in the woods of Lincoln, Montana. Ted built the cabin in 1971 and lived there by himself, with his closest neighbor being 1/4 of a mile away. The cabin had no running water, no electricity, and no plumbing. Ted's family knew there was something wrong with him ever since he was a baby. His mother said that he had strange lapses as a child where he would go silent and still. As he got older the "shut-downs" (as they became known as by his family,) started to be accompanied with rage. He never fit in with anybody his own age. For instance, when Ted was 10 years old, his father tried taking him to a boyscout meeting but Ted would not have anything to do with the other children, so his father gave up. The only thing Ted liked doing was reading and playing his trombone. Ted proved to be very smart and at the young age of 15 years, was given a scholarship to study Greek tragedy for the summer at the University of Chicago. Ted went to Harvard and graduated with a degree in Mathematics, when he was 20 years old. Ted was then offered a tenured-track job at the University of California and taught there until his abrupt resignation in 1969. His family knew nothing of his resignation until he showed up at his parents house to move in. Ted stayed with his parents for two years and during that time he had many low paying jobs, the first being a gardener at the local mall. In 1971, Ted's parents woke up to find Ted gone and only a note thanking them for letting him stay with them. The note was so short and to the point that his father thought that it he was going to commit suicide. Ted's life was far from over.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Bias of Roots and Culture Essay
Discussing roots and culture is often a very subjective topic. Quite often, the same story is interpreted entirely differently, depending on who is telling the story. This principle is also true in fictional works. A narrator will bring his/her own perspective and biases into the events that he or she is telling about. In Raymond Carver’s Cathedral, the first-person narrator has several biases that are used to reveal character. This first-person narrator has both positive and negative biases, and insights that clearly represent his character. The narrator in Cathedral has biases that serve to create his character well. Some of these are positive, and some are negative. The first clear bias that is made clear is a positive one. In the introduction of the story, as the narrator is giving background information on his wife, he speaks of her first husband. The manner in which he speaks of her impresses upon the reader of how little this first marriage matters to him, and thus shows that he acknowledges his wife has a past, and that he loves her just the same. Carver shows the narrators’ indifference to this first husband when â€Å"why should he have a name? †(Responding to Literature, 439) is asked. Another one of the biases the narrator has does not serve to create such a positive picture of him. This negative bias is the narrators’ bias against the blind in the beginning of the story. He speaks of them as very somber, as his idea of blind people was that all the â€Å"blind moved slowly and never laughed. †(438) These insights into the mind of the first-person narrator help to establish him as a character. The use of first-person narration in Raymond Carvers Cathedral serves to establish the narrator as a legitimate character well. The reader is given direct insight into the thoughts of the narrator, which would not be possible from other perspectives. For example, the reader is given a direct path into the narrators’ thoughts of the blind mans’ wife, Beulah. Without the words actually being spoken, the reader knows that the narrator feels sorry for her, without having ever met the blind man. He believes that Beulah must have had a â€Å"pitiful life†since she could â€Å"never see herself as he was seen in the eyes of her loved one†(440). Wordless insights into thoughts, such as this, are the true point of having a first-person narrator; because not only is the reader given a picture of the narrators’ thoughts, it serves to create a more dynamic, lifelike character, and not merely a lifeless voice that is tediously moving through words. First-person narration is always all about perspective, and consequently, bias. All first-person narration in fiction is chosen specifically for the purpose of having that bias, and those individual ideas that make for an interesting telling of a story. Raymond Carver’s Cathedral uses the first person narration very well, for that exact purpose. This story’s biases and partialities are used to separate the reader, and only see the narrators’ version of what happened. Had the story been told from the perspective of the blind man, it would have been immensely different. Biases come from ones’ culture and environment. Ideally, stories and retellings of events would be completely honest; but prejudices and tensions gradually become the general theme of the story, to the point that roots, culture, and acceptance thereof become irrelevant, and nothing remains but intolerance.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Record Organization
All sizes of facilities seem to have a few similarities and differences in how a facility handles loose reports. In reviewing our compiled data I noticed that most of the facilities prefer that their loose records are permanently anchored in the patient’s charts. Permanently anchoring files in patients charts can avoid files being misplaced or lost. The way files are organized depends on each facility policies. In the information the most popular form of organization seems to be chronological.While others file by personal information, doctors’ orders, medications, then legal information. In reviewing the data from the interviews, I noticed there were some similarities and differences in how a patient’s file is handled. Small facilities seem to use paper files and all reports are filed within the patient’s main record immediately. This prevents reports from getting lost, and they are easier to locate. All medium and large facilities are more likely to use e lectronic files rather than paper files.With electronic files everything gets filed in the patient’s main file immediately. Using electronic files also eliminates the risk of misplacing files. It seems the smaller facilities use paper files because the electronic system may be too costly for them. In conclusion, how patient’s files are filed and how they are taken care of within a small, medium, or large facility depend on the preference of that facility. Even though there are some similarities and differences they all take care in the organization of how their files are filed whether it is paper or electronic.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Communication in Early Childhood Essay
Good communication in early childhood is essential because without communication the child wanders hopelessly around looking for some explanation as to why things work the way they do. When born, children know who to look for, listen to and bond with. Even before birth their brains are already somewhat â€Å"prewired for survival†(Gerrig & Zimbardo 2008) Doctors and scientists have researched that in the womb babies favour the sound of their mother’s voices rather than voices of their fathers or a stranger. This is backed up by experiments showing that the fetal heart rate increases when the mothers voice is heard and decreases when a strangers voice is heard or even their fathers. This experimental research proves that the thoughts had about communication starting later on in babies mental development or even toddlers is a myth on all accounts. Children are â€Å"designed to communicate from birth†(Stamm & Spencer 2007) How this ability is cultivated depends on the environment in which the child is surrounded in. The ability to communicate effectively in early childhood settings is crucial in social and mental development. When communicating with young children eye contact, body language and listening is all important factors to their learning development. Seventy percent of communication is non verbal so hand gestures and facial expressions with infants and small children can be interpreted in the wrong context if perceived to be scary or too intense. Keep in mind the environment in which the child is surrounded needs to be relaxed, clutter free. If there are too many noises or it is a very hectic environment the child is likely to be distracted easily which can hinder the communication development. â€Å"Communication refers to the development of a language system and language skills†(Stamm & Spencer 2007) From a very early age children know how communicate. Whether it is by body language or speech, children develop their foundations for communicating from at first their family members then those their family members choose to surround them with. It is not a switch that is turned on from a certain age, developed over time with the use of neural commitment. Neural commitment is a part of the brain the helps the child develop in a few short years. It allows the child to sort, words, sounds, grammar and syntax of their native tongue.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
The Role of Forensic Accountants in Corporate Governance
FORENSIC ACCOUNTING & FRAUD INVESTIGATION ASSESSMENT TASKS 1 THE ROLE OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTANTS IN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Corporate governance is defined as the formal mechanism of direction, supervision and control put in place within a company in order to monitor the decisions and actions of its senior managers and ensure these are compatible and consistent with the specific interest of shareholders and the various other interests of shareholders who contribute to the operations of the company.Forensic Accountants are experienced investigators of legal and financial documents that are hired to look into possible suspicions of fraudulent activity within a company; or are hired by a company who may just want to prevent fraudulent activities from occurring. They also provide services in areas such as accounting, antitrust, damages, analysis, valuation, and general consulting. Forensic accountants have also been used in divorces, bankruptcy, insurance claim s, personal injury claims, fraudulent claims, construction, royalty audits, and tracking terrorism by investigating financial records.Forensic Accountant should have the following skills and knowledge to serve as an effective Forensic Accountant. 1. Ability to identify frauds with minimal initial information The Forensic Accountant needs to be able to identify the possible scheme, the possible manner it was perpetrated and potentially effective procedures to prove or disprove the potential fraud. 2. Interviewing The Forensic Accountant get involved in interviewing in the course of seeking evidence and information. Forensic Accountant must be a way that the process ensures the evidence is admissible in a court of law. . Mind – set A successful Forensic Accountant has a certain mind-set that includes several abilities. He or she is able to think like a crook. 4. Knowledge of evidence It is imperative that Forensic Accountant understand the rule of evidence in court and how to conduct the investigation from the beginning as if all evidence will make it to a court of law. 5. Presentation of findings The Forensic Accountant must have the ability to clearly communicate the findings resulting from the investigation in way understandable to the layperson.Forensic accountants think creatively to consider and understand the tactics that a fraud perpetrator may use to commit and conceal fraudulent acts. Additionally, they need to clearly and concisely communicate findings to various parties, including those with less knowledge of accounting and auditing. Forensic accountants that are not part of the organization or company. They are hired in order to investigate the internal and external performance of the company, connected with the accounting process. They provide independent opinion. Role of Forensic accountantsForensic accountant can play their vital role to improve corporate governance in a company. Forensic Accountants assists in address ing  allegations ranging from kickbacks and wrongful dismissals to internal situations involving allegations of management or employee wrongdoing. * With a strong background knowledge of the legal and institutional requirements of corporate governance, a forensic accountant can help to formulate and establish a comprehensive governance policy that: * ensures an appropriate mix of management and independent directors on the board. sets out the appropriate responsibilities of the board and the audit committees. * has a fair allocation of power between owners, management, and the board. * ensures there is a company â€Å"code of ethics†for employees and management * A Forensic Accountant helps the accounting professionals to have a efficient control system and a accounting system that ensures the proper recording, classification and reporting of all relevant transactions. * Forensic accountant can monitor not only compliance at the top levels of the corporate power, but also management procedures and employee activity.Information gathered as a result of the monitoring can be used to readjust and reformulate governance, ethics, and control policies. * Forensic accountants can ensure that corporate governance policies are formulated to avoid high-risk environments where management is apathetic, pay is inadequate or too high, there is a serious lack of proper training and compliance, or there are unreasonable profit and budget goals. It is also necessary to have well-defined hiring policies that result in honest, well-qualified employees. A forensic accountant can ensure the integrity of financial statements by actively investigating for fraud, identifying areas of risk and associated fraud symptoms, pursuing each anomaly aggressively, and delving into the finest details of accounting and financial anomalies * Forensic Accountants can help in creating policies that clearly state the company’s intent to take strict action against any criminal activi ties, and that such action will apply to all levels of employee, without any exception. At times, a Forensic Accountant can meet with those persons affected by the allegations, rumors, or inquiries. They may view the accountant as an independent and objective party and thus be more willing to engage in discussions. Forensic Accountants can be hired in order to review and strengthen internal controls, in order to determine if any assets are missing, or to discover if tax laws or accounting rules have been applied correctly to company transactions.They are hired in order to determine if embezzlement has occurred or, if so, how much is missing and how it was done. Conclusion Forensic accountants are currently in great demand, with the public need for honesty, fairness and transparency in reporting increasing exponentially. These forensic accountants need accounting, finance, law, investigative and research skills to identify, interpret, communicate and prevent fraud.As more and more companies look for forensic accountants and professional organizations offer certifications in the area, it is becoming evident that the forensic accountant has a skill set that is very different from an auditor or a financial accountant. The role of the forensic accountant has expanded significantly during the last several years for many reasons, including the requirement for greater scrutiny on corporate governance brought about by the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and the widespread recognition of the risks and prevalence of financial fraud in today’s business environment.As a result, forensic Accountants are usually retained to support special investigations related to a broad range of subjects. This can include the financial impact of marketplace events, such as intellectual property infringement and anti-trust actions, financial reporting fraud, asset impairment and business valuation. REFERENCE Crumbley, D. Larry (2009). Journal of Forensic Accounting, www. rtedwards. co m. journals/JFA/evidentiary. html, January 9.Golden, T, Skalak, S & Clayton, M 2006, A Guide to Forensic Accounting Investigation, John Wiley and Sons Latshaw, C. A. , â€Å"Fraudulent Financial Reporting: The Government and Accounting Profession React,†Review of Business, Spring 2005, pp. 13-15. Silverstone, H. and Sheetz, M. , â€Å"Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation for Non-Experts,†Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 2008. Turnbull, N. (2005) Internal Control – Revised Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code. FRC, London.
The Clown by Heinrich Boell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
The Clown by Heinrich Boell - Essay Example â€Å"The Clown†is a brilliant social mockery, an impassioned, tragic, highlighting love, spirituality, religion and politicis.The book also reflects criticism against catholic church. It is a grim post-war novel abounding in fatalism, doubt, sarcasm, melancholy, loss and survival. This novel is a biting critique not only of postwar German society, but of hypocrisy in general (religious, romantic, and otherwise). Boll captures magnificently the feeling of being down and out and rootless. It is set specifically in post World War II Germany and describes well what surely the feelings of many were. But the sense of loss, alienation, lack of love, religious doubt set forth in the book go much deeper than that. "I am a clown," says Hans. "I collect moments."2 Ostensibly intended by Boll as a simple definition of character, the statement offers considerable insight into Bolls philosophical perspective. Hans Schnier is the "Clown" of the novels title and invariably the spokesperson for Boll as the author. The Clown is a hugely life-like figure; his pain bleeds through the paper, his tears smear the words. He is an artist, destroyed by loss and betrayal, an artist who has reached the lowest point of his existence and now despairs in the knowledge of his own pathetic tragedy. The book is told first person by its hero, a clown, Hans Schneir. The "hero", a bedraggled clown, has lost everything - his job, his love Marie but not his honor. A moment of time is expanded by Boll to a whole evening of tragic and of memories of his childhood and his one-and-only love Marie. The life of Hans Schneir, a down-on-his-luck, melancholy, incisive clown could represent any human life after surviving and living the day-to-day economic and emotional traumas hatched by war and the idiocy of policy that brings it about. His thought center on his own spiritual and emotional poverty, on the loss of Marie, his ambivalence towards religion, and the attempted change among Germans
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Does It Matter Who We are Communicating about Essay
Does It Matter Who We are Communicating about - Essay Example Awareness alone cannot eliminate bias in communication. The author discusses the importance of learning how to communicate with various personality types, in order to get the message across. By learning about the audience, through observation and body language, the speaker or communicator can adjust or tailor communications that will reach, rather than offend, multiple members of an audience. This discussion also has implications for communications among individuals. It cannot be assumed that the listener communicates in the same manner as the speaker. The author highlights the need for greater awareness and adaptability in communications, thus eliminating the bias of assuming that the species in terms of language and stereotyping in communication that occurs within those groups. Stereotyping is described as a means of confiscation, for the individual to gain favor within the group and survey participants are able to identify various forms of stereotyping in a given scenario. The limitations of the research include a scenario describing the behavior of one individual, rather than of multiple group members. The research clearly indicates that stereotyping does occur in communications, within various social contexts. The research also indicates the need for awareness of stereotyping, in communication with a larger audience that may consist of members of very different groups. members of the group or audience to be respected and this is done through inclusion. The authors suggest that, particularly in a class setting, the faculty can set parameters for class communications from the start. It is further suggested that communications within and for a larger group should also consider avoiding language that stereotypes a specific group or groups.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Do Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) Cause War Research Paper
Do Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) Cause War - Research Paper Example However, there are differences in the beliefs and systems that Jews, Christians and Muslim accept as legitimate. Jews hold that the Abrahamic covenant was carried down onto Isaac (Abraham's second son) and then to Jacob (Isaac's second son) and then down to Jacob's (also known as Israel's) descendants. After years of the Israelite community growing, they merited to receive the Torah, a set of Laws given directly to the Israelites through Moses. The Jews hold the Torah (first five books of the Bible) to be authoritative and the generational interpretation of the Torah from the Prophets to the Rabbis as absolutes (Idel 7). Christianity on the other hand sprouted out of Judaism because the followers believed that Jesus Christ was the son of God and this was a position that most Jews rejected and never accepted. On the other hand, Christians also did not accept the generational interpretation of the Torah as Jews did but rather focused on the life of Jesus Christ as an ideal standard interpreted by the New Testament. Islam on the other hand came up as a result of revelations received by Mohammed, a descendant of Abraham through the line of his first son, Ishmael (Schmidt-Leukel 149). Although there are clear areas that Islam seems to build on Judaism and Christianity, Islam also maintains its distinct features and elements. Islam, Christianity and Judaism cuts across elements of spirituality, morality and nationalism (Oystein, 72). In terms of spirituality, all these Abrahamic Faiths profess some element of control over the supernatural and promises humanity a pleasant life after death. Additionally, these promises comes with some responsibilities that seek to make people live according to some standards and ideals prescribed by these religions. The Jewish have a set of traditions Halackha that must be adhered to at all times in a person's life. Christians have doctrines and principles of holiness that must be followed. Muslims also have the Sunnah which sums up the traditions and instructions a s revealed to Prophet Mohammed. The institutionalization of these principles and practices amongst a group of people professing each of these three Faiths leads to the nationalism aspect of the Abrahamic Faiths. This requires the establishment of the structures of a modern nation, including a military that would protect the interest of a religious state. Based on this, I identify three main issues of misunderstanding and misuse of the Abrahamic religions that led to wars and various forms of violence throughout history. These three matters include the rise of opportunistic leaders in the original kingdoms of the founders of these
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